Connors dl1'\.\ e\'en \\'ith a 3 0 picked up two \\ins in the Region victory on Sunday to S<'l the 23 Tournament as he tossed 17 stage for Monday's showdown. innings over four days. Despite A little time off to reflect on coming to the Warriors from EC's fir~t evrr .------------..., Elysian F'ields. Region 23 Texas, he knows Division I the regional champion ship championship is came in handy a very big deal as the Warriors to the EC pro- closed out exam gram. week. With all "It's a great Mississippi NJCAA South feeling of junior colleges Central District accomplish- dropping to Tournament ment," said Division II next at Fort Smith, Ark. · Miller. who spring, the Friday's Games transferred after Warriors \\.ill 1 p.m.: East Crntral (29-21) one year at hold the distinc- 's Nonheastcrn Oklahoma Louisiana Tech. tion of being the A8:t-..1 College (11-19) 'They said this last Di\ ision 1 4 p.m.: East Central vs. J\.laple is probably the champion from \\oods (!\to.) ( 35 - 24 ) best group of the state. 7 p.m.: 1\JLO \S !\.taple Wood~ guy·s they've Saturday's Game "It's very had here in a 2 p.m.: fBA special for our Sunday's Game . long time. guys and for our 2 p.m.: TBA ~ About halfway s c h o o I . .. through the sea- Yarborough said. "It·~ some son, it looked like the playoffs thing that a lot of teams that might not be a possibility. but have come through here have we peaked at the right time." tried to do. The Warriors were just 17- "It's just an honor and a priv- 17 after suffering a pair of 10- ilege to win it. We've had a lot run los~es at Meridian of alumni backing us and calling Community College on April us and telling us congratula- 2 In fact they had to win each Lions. That means somNhing to of their last three games just to me. That's something sprcial." qualif) for the regional Josh Miller (11 2. 2.07) "\\'hen t-.Ieridian came here
(on April 19). we kne\\> we had to win one of those games and then sweep Hinds to get in... Yarborough c;aid. "When we came bark the second game and beat Metidian 16-3, that was a confidence booster to get us into that Saturday double– header with I finds. "We played pretty good against I linds and swept them." Even the final win over llinds didn't come easy as the Warrior!> had to score three runs in the bottom of the seventh inning to cl inch a playoff benh with an 8-7 victory. EC opened the regional \\.Jth a 2-0 "'in O\ er toumament host Gulf Coast. despite having 16 batters go dovvn on Mrikeouts. ·we knC\\ ha\ing Miller as our No. 1 starting off against them we had a shot to win as long a~ we played good defen~e. Yarborough said. "They hadn·t st•en him before. Thr Wan iors started their season strong, winning eight of their first 11 gamec;. Then came a mid season slump that sav. them lose eight of I0 contests. "We started oil grt>at." first baseman Corey Coward (.309. 32 RBI) of Noxapater said. "We were 6 0. but around the middle of the sc>ason we had some tough breaks. We were
playing some close games with some great teams. but it JUSt wasn't fall~ng for us. "We pe'aked at just the 1 ight time. Everybody is playing good together and getting along well. We've com<' really close as a team. "I came <;>ut of Noxapc~tl'l High Schoo1 wanting to rome here. I've always 10\,ed cC nncl in my two yPars herP, I still love it. I would like to pia) another year here. I\ e t'njojed playing for coach Yarborough We're folio\\ ing a hentage that coach Uamie) Clark left behind and \\ e just \\ant to cany it on and be a Pilrt of it ·-~-~ "\\!hen we played Mrridtan at our field. that reall) got our momentum going for the end of the year and has carried us in the playoffs.· closer Ke\ in Hatch (4-1. 1.32) ofCarthage said. "We played Jike .tnothc r team (at the regional) I think we were at the highest poilll of our season during the playoffs and tJ1at's when you nr.pcl it. We performed when it was nPedPd. EC will play NEO at I p m. Friday and Maple Woods at 4 p.m. l\:EO and Mapl( V\oods tangle at 7 p.m. Friday m the double ehmination toumament The Warriors lea\ e this mom ing at 8:30 a.m. for Fort Smith
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