WEEK OF _.L._M.:....::.;a~~:,__._.!l-=&--,--::..~.:.=0~0....;,_5_
Warriors After taking a few days off. the East Central Community Collegc \\arriors 'by baseball team has Marty hcc·n back on the diamond preparing Stamper to compete in this weekend 's NJCAA South Central Disuict Toumanwnt at f ort Smith, Ark. "W(' gave lhern Monday and l ut-sday off and started practic– ing 011 Wednesday," ECCC h(•ad coach JakE' Yarborough said of lcl'>l week 's plan. Also in tlw three team field with the 29 21 Warriors are ~taple Woods Community College of Kansas City, Mo.. and Northeastern Oklahoma \R:M College of Miami. Okla. Maple \\oods (35-24), \\ hich boasts of six Region 16 champimtships in the last nine years, defeated lop-seeded Ctm\det College 5-1 in ~ fonday"s finals at 1\lE:'osho, Mp. Among the Centaurs' alurnili Ls 200 I National League Rookie of the Yl'at Alben Pujols. Maple Woods has been nationally rank{'d C\ery year since 1997. At Banl<'sville, Okla., NEO shorkNI Connors State College 6 I in thl' finals of the Region 2 Ioumamt•nt on Monday. Connors was ranked No. 1 in the nation in the fi nal NJCAA regular season poll. NEO upped it'> rrcord to 41-19.
Wttti tno~E' tournaments not endmg until Monday. the Watrio~ haw been \\orking on their gc~nw as opposed to wor– ~ying ctbout \\hat the opponents In the Super Regional might ha-.e to offC>r. "Basiclllly. we've been doing that all year," Yarbo– rough said. "We' rejust making sure Utat V.'(''rl' taking care of what \\(>' rc supposed to be doi!.tg/~'d k('<'P w?rking hard. V\e 1e nottakmg any vaca– tion'>. It'~ not O\er. We've still got a lot of work to do. · In the Region 16 Tourna– ment, the Maple Woods ~entaurs had wins O\ e r St. Charles (11-8). Jefferson County (15 11). and Cro\\ der (8 0) brfor e lo~ing 7-5 to Cro \der 011 Sunday. Maple Woods \\as the No. 2 sPed. while Cro\\der entered No. I. In ilw l~Pgion 2 Tourna– tn<'llt , thr fourth-seeded Nor~<'llll'll of NEO opened with a I fi I~ victory over Eastern OklcJhonlit Stat(', thc'Tl knocked off Scmu10lc• Stalt> 2-0 in the S('COnd round. fhey stayed in the \\inn<' I~· bracket \\> ith a 6-2 win O\ ('r Connors on Saturday.
... CARTHAGINIAN--------- NESHOBADEMOCRAT _______ NE~ONRECORD_~------ MERIDIAN STAR ----:t/::;....___,.....---– CLARION-LEDGER----------
LAKE MESSENGER ______________ SCOTT COUNTY T~MES ----------– UNION APPEAL --~X~------ WlNSTON COUNTY JOURNAL----- SPIRIT OF MORTON----- --- IMPACT _______________________
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