\ \ / WEEKOF __ ~, l~~~\~~~------­ \

Ladner attends workshop Monte Ladner, left, director of the Leake County Yocational Center in Carthage, was among area adminis– trators attending a recent workshop at East Central Community College in Decatur to discuss topics of inter– est to econdary and post-secondary education. Joan Grim~, ECCC Tech Prep Coordinator, right, helped plan th '\\ or.ksbop.



CA~THAGINIAN - --– NESHOBA DE\'OC~- - ---- N~O RECO~D _______ MER'DA s-~q, ______ _ CL.AR 0 \ -LE :>GE~ -------

LAKE MESSENGE~ --- - - --– SCOTT COUNTY T '.' =S------– UNION APPEAL-------– WINSTON COUNTY JOv~ AL ---- SPIRIT OF MORTON --- ----– IMPACT-----------

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