

gendary coach

he\\ •!Stant coach on the 1976 US team \\hlch won the silver medal n Montreal. She coached the li atwnal team in 1976, 1978 and 1980. Among Gunter':. numerous hon– or~ include induction into the Nai- mlth \1emon,tl Basketball Hall of Fame. Women's Ba~ketball Hall of Fame. \ftssi'''PP• Sport<; Hall of Fame, Louisiana Sp011s Hall of Fame and ECCC Athletic Hall of f·ame. A Leake County native and gradu– ate of Walnut Grove High School. Gunter uttended EaM Central Jumor College from 1957 to 1958. In July of 1958. she transferred to Nash\ tile Business College and played ba'>ket– ball eammg ~11-Amcncan honors in 1960. In 1962. she received bache– lor·, and m, ster ., degrees from Peabody College in Nash\tlle. She also did po.;t-graduate work at Tcxac;

Women's Um\ersit). Candidates for the Sue Gunter \1emorial Slh >lar,hip - a lour– semester av.aro- mu't ben re::.idcnt of the College'" fi,e-count~ ll.i'trict and enroll a" a full-Ume ,tudent follow– ing high school £raduation. Appli– cants are abo reqwred to ha\ e mam– lai ned a "B" a\era£e and demon– '>trate a need ior financial as isiance. Scholarship recipienh v.ill be c;elected b} the ECCC Scholan.hip Commtttee. For more inf• mation contact ECCC Studcm Sc~ 1ce~. Phone 601- 635-2 fll or call toll free, l-877-462- 3222. e:

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