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a a·!es P and the late Bonnie Saxon Phillips illips Scholarship 1clowed at ECCC

A Philadelphia couple has ~ a scholai">hip to assist stu– p :mning to attend East Central Corr..mumry College in Decatur. Olarles P. Phillips, a 1938 ECJC paduate, recent!) established the cholarship. whtch he planned with wife, Bonnie Sa~on Phillips. n0\1. deceased. The annual award i' desig– na!ed for full-ur: -stUdent '\\ho mainra.ined "at least a 'B' a\erage" in high ~hool.

AnatiVe of Edinburg. Mr. Phtlhps is a graduate of Edinburg High School, ECJC and Mississippi Stare College. He taught school for a few years before serving in the European Theater m World War II. After com– pleting his military duty. he was employed \\ith the Farmer~ Home Adminiqratio':l unul retirement. Pt.r~ i5 a Shnner and member ofthe 1 " L .Jge. See PHILUPS, oage 17A

In,. Phillip5 \\35 a nau"e of Houlka and mo,ed to Ne~ Count) sn earl~ childhood. After graduaung from Philadelphia H: S..

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