East Central Connnwn "'Keeyina iradition ~Uve f 1 HOMECOMING • OCTOBER 15, 2005
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 8 a.m.-Registration Begins Ca~l Mall Patio Ncar ~lab!) Cafctrria "Between Fences" Exhibit Opw for Vit'"~ng-ADN Building Refreshm.ents Available in Sullivan Student Center
9 a.m.-Memorabilia Room Grand Op ening Burton Library 9 a.m.-ECCC Soccer vs. Meridian (Women) Men's Game to Follow at 11 a.m. ECCC Soc< .:r Fidd 10 a.m.-Reunion Groups Meet I95!- >5 & I9'i:)..5u FOotball Tt'.ams.Room 60, ~ewton Hall <.las, of 1431-Room <)2, \Je"ton Hall ( 'las> of 194 ">·Room 92, i\ewton Hall Cl ' s of Jf15S-Ro->m YO, '\('\\ton HaU Clil's ol 1%5-Room 102, '\n,ton Hall Cia" of 1975-Room JU I. '\rwton llall Cia" of 1985-Room 106, :'\t>\\ton Hall C!a~s of 1995-Room JJ•,, '\e"ton Hall CJa,~ ( If 2005-Room I 09. :-;~'"ton l lall Clas>es of 1957. 58, & 59-Room 105. '\fewton Hall 10:15 a.m.-Awarding of 50th Anniversary Diplomas to Class of 1955 10:30 a.m.-Awarding of Medallions to 50th Anniversary Football Teams 11 a.m.-Warrior Club Annual Meeting Huff Auditorium Noon -Alum.ni Luncheon ~I '2:30 p.:aL-EOCC
Maxi e Doddson Phillips Uncversaty P.trk MD "Alumna of the 'rear·
Bill Lovett Forest "Alumnus of thP Year•
Lucy Young ViLksburg "Athletic Hall of Fame"
Bob Tom Johnson Forest "Athletic Hall oi Fame·
Friday, October 14 • 5 p.m. ECCC Alflmni Soccer Game
Lori Luke
Decatur Academic "Instructor of the Year" NC'wton Career-Te<.hnac.al "Instructor of the Year" Thursday, October 13 • 7 to 9 p.m. Art Exhibit • Vickers Finl' .\rts C('nter Featun·ng worl.--s ~v ECCC Jlu11Uu Erir Adcork aud Chrir Mmp Free .\dmic;;sion and Rcfn ·hr~ellt
\ rarrior Soccer Field
Friday, October 14 • 5 p.m. ECCC Basrhall Alumni Da) Junit> Clad. ~kmmial ~radium/ Clui" (,a, 1\' ~lenlOI ial Field
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