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eNamed Golf ch At East Central

players from Forest---.Jess Dilley and Arick Ellis-two players from Newton, one player from Decatur and one from Louisville. Moore said due to East Central moving from Division 3 to Division 2, more scholarships will be offered. Dilley currently holds the team's only scholarship. Moore began his career as a golf professional in 1991 at Big Creek Golf Club in Millington, Tenn. He has also served golf and country clubs in Covington, Tenn. St. Joseph, La., Crosby, Texas Choctaw, Canton, West Point. Prentiss and in Andalusia, Ala. A graduate of Forest High School, Moore attended East Oen!ral Junior College and the ~~~ of Southern l!llSSI:SSi;pp1L He also attended S"..mness Schools in h!is:JID

pnfessionally Tour in 1990. of the T-eam and ~ 1 Cup

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