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Classes at ECCC

ecatur physical plant director, read the long list of damages to the Administrative Council Tuesday afternoon. Sutphin praised Dearing and his maintenance staff for ··working long and tirelessly every day, including the wc<>kend and Labor Day, to ensure the readiness of the campus_for the resumption of classes. Many maintenance staff members continue to be without power at their homes. Sutphin said East Central has extendt•d registration for day, evening and online classes offered for the fall semester. 'Inc deadline to register for day and evening classes is Friday. Students can sign up for online classes through Friday, Sept. 16. For more information about registration, call the Office of Admissions, Records and Research toll-free at (877) 462-:~222. exl. 206, or e-mail address dlukc@eccc.edu.

Dr. Phil .'\. Sutphin, E president, sent a campu e-mail after the hurril'an said Ethridge Hall. ~ houses classroom~ and college's ABE/CED received the most damag,; section of the rool destroyed and sc..•vcral c rooms received water da Classes ha,·e been r cated to other parts of cam while repairs are made. Other facilities receh major damage ineludc football and baseball fie The \'isitors' bleachers on football field and a ~ctio the press box v.ere dt•strO\ Both dugouts on the base ! field were flattened. ~ Many trees were blo down, but none fell on camiJ'.3 facilities. Although unc firmed, Sutphin ~aid a puo.;si tornado canw acru..;s the no pm·t of campus. He said m buildings ren;ived minor r f daMage, and ~omc offices had water damage. Mike Dearing, the colleges '

• Officials assess damage, reschedule athletic events Bubbyjolmston is t•ice president for public injormatio11 at Ea~t Central Community Co/le!Je in Der.atur. whrre lze has worked' since 1987. Classes rc·sumed Tucsdav at East Cen– tral Community College. where officiah; are still trying to asse-.s the dollar amount of dama~e sustained on the Decatur campus in the after– math of Hurril"ane Katrina. The college had been closed since Katrina unh•ashed its fury on Aug. 29. By Bubby Johnston spec1al to The Star DECATUR -


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