ECCC NursingStudents Tour Miss. State Hospitalcampus East Central Community College nursing students of Scott County recently toured the Mississippi State Hospital (MSH) campus. Nursing students are wei· corned with abrief overview of the hospital's history and mission and tours of MSH's museum, child and ;adolescent un~, and forensic un~. MSH regularly hosts :tours for nursing students. Nursing students tour the . campus as part of their clinical rotation through an aff1l· iation agreement with MSH's Staff Education and Training Services. Pictured are (left to right) Jennifer Hill and Nrly McMillan of Scott County.


LAKE MESS := GER ----- - -- CARTHAGINIAN _______ SCOTI COUNTY Tl ES - --,.,.t__;__ _ _ NESHOBADEMOCRAT ____ UNION APPEAL ----- ---- N E~ONRECORD ____ ___ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ____ MERIDIAN STAR - - - - --- - SPIRIT OF MORTON -------- CLARION-LEDGER ______ IMPACT ________ _ _ _ ___

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