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.. <;ED Diplomas at ECCC - Tl • County residents were amon ch'iil whct- f"eceived high school equiv~ cllplr s during the annual GED C u!ll •ncement held at East Central CtJIIL ,. In Decatur. Seated from left a Ph il! II~. Sha'Toya Burnside, Crystal J Nll il s~hriner, Cyngla Scruggs and I 'l'tillf rt, all of Philadelphia. Standing ~lf(1 c~OII Dearing of Union, Juan Gaa l~l .. f·h. •:llinb. urg, both of Philadelphia lie\\ of Union, Judy Pettey and Sha Crrl ton, both of Philadelphia; and • lh·ll~ of Union. Diplomas were presE Cln \ t or 2005 by ECCC President Dr. Su.lj·'.·~ . ~ n. For more information about Collflt's GED Program, contact the < Atlii~ lnd Continuing Education, Pho 21 1I or call toll free, 1-877-462-3222, 27H/, 79. Tbe email address is mdavis~ (E(' ~ hoto) - ~ II. !li ~-] l~'f. .,~ () 0 I ([ .... _ I ~ 7, I t: u Ill ~ e rf) li" <( IJ , Q . . - a. n,, ,,., 1,) ~ ~ n. :E I _:_ I Ill _ ) m
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