·ght Selected ECCC Workforce De\elopment Coordinator
factu ring/maintenance. He is also a former plant manager and plant super– intendent. He was previously em– ployed w1th the Mississippi Department of Transpor– tation. A graduate of Neshoba Central High School. Knight attended ECCC and recel\cd a Bachelor of ~rts degree in general business from Mississippi State Unl\ersity. He ha.., also received training 111 Lean Deployment/Lean Manufactt1ring, Essentials of Management and Glo– bal8-DisciplineApproach to Problem-Solving. He is a member of the Pine Grove Bap tist Church, located in the House community, where he serves as a deacon and Sunday school teacher. He is also a member of the Freedomland Quartet, which travels throughout the Southeast singing Southern Gospel music. Knight is married to the former Ltsa St. Louis of Poplarville. They have a son, Jeff.
Joo,eph Knight
DECATUR--Joseph Kn1ght of Union was re– cent!~ ... elected Workforce Devehpment Coordinator t East Central Commu– mt~ College in Decatur, announced ECCC Presi– dent ;Dr. Phil A. Sutphin. Kmgbt. whose office wi II be located nea r the College's Productivity En– hancement Lab at the Phi lade I ph ia/Neshoba County Vocational-Techni– cal Center, began his new duties on July I. Prior to joining the ECCC staff, Knight was em– ployed at Chahta Enter– prise in Philadelphia since 1995, where he mostly re– cently served as director of quality assurance/manu-
LAKE MESSE GErt _ ______: ..___ ____ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES _______ UNION APPEAL------ --– WI NSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ------ SPIRI T OF MORTON - - --- --- IMPACT ___________ _
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