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ECCC preside gives • School won't ask county for additlonal funds this year.
pdate County supervisors also agreed ro proTide an assis– tance that v.as needed \\ith helpmg pave the 800 feet of road. Tearing down Supervisors also dis– cussed the timetable for tearing down of the old Ezell and Mill printing building east of the court– house. It was suggested that once the building was torn down, that the space could be paved for addi– tional parking for the courthouse. As far as a timetable, it was suggested that early December be appropriate and would be a "nice Christmas pre– sent" for Decatur. In other action, the board of Supervisors: • Approved the hiring of Lavell Harrell and Marion Ben Haralson; • Approved repair of landfill loader at cost -of $11,430 to Puckett Machin– ery; • Approved receipt of three new computers for county election commis– sioners, paid for by the Secretary of State's office; • Approved a work ses– sion on the countv landfill to discuss the wetlands sit– uation after the regular board meeting on Monda}~ Aug.L · Accepted a 810,470 grant for solid ~ assis– tance.
people of Newton County since 1928,.. Sutphin said. "The college is apprecia– tive of the financial sup– port it has received from Newton County. And East Central continues to pro– \ide the county's citizens with quality education in the academic, health-relat– ed. technical and career fields and in industrial rraining needs." East Central has a total budget of $13.9 million, \\it:h onlv about $1.72 mil– lion corrling from the five counties that the school ser. es In 2004, Newton Countyprovided East Cen– tral with $403,090, which was only 2.29 percent of the school"s entire budget. Sutphin said the school
would continue to work under a tight budget and did not ask for any addi– tional millage from New– ton County. He said the Mississippi Legislature appropriated approxi– mately $95,000 less money for the next budget year. But the Legislature gave an additional $150,000 to establish a new Advanced Technology Center to be located in Philadelphia. Included in the center will be a Productivity Enhancement Lab and a new Industrial Mainte– nance Program which would benefit Newton County businesses like La– Z-Boy and ESCO. Airport Road project ·Newton Public Works Director Buster Bounds met with the board to dis– cuss the paving of an access road to serve the Newton airport, where the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics is building a new facility.
By Robbie Robertson Th~ :\(>.... Rro;rj
East Central Commtmi· ty College president Dr. Phil Sutphin met \\ith fue supervisors at their annu– al meeting to discuss mil· lage from the counDo~ Sutphin spent about 20 minutes telling the super– visors how East Central impacts Newton County and the accomplishment of the school's athletic teams as well as some indi– vidual awards from New– ton County students. "East Central Communi– ty College has served the
APPEARED IN: Bounds said the city and the county had discussed the project several times but the time had come to actually pave the road. Bounds asked the best way to acquire paving for the road and after some dis– cussion, it was decided that the best route would be for the county to buy the materials and the city LAKE MESSENGER _________ .to reimburse the county.
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