East Central to host 'Between Fences' exhibit
and tu ge: involved and display local memorabilia related to fences. counut::'...
tance from the public as the College prepares to be the first state host for the traveling exhibit "Between Fences," beingprovided by the Smithsonian Institu- ~ tion Traveling Exhibition Service and the Mississip- pi Humanities Council. "Between Fences," a Museum on Main Street
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"We are interested in displaying fencing tools, barbed wire samples, plat books, maps, photos, and • ! other artifacts related to fences," said ECCC Presi- ::: dent Dr. Phil A. Sutphin. _ ___ _ Dr. Sutphin said East= - -- --...:..----– Central's goal. in hosting - JJ ,_. the exhibit "is to inform - - -------– the current generation of = - -:-=:. the past and give them an - -- ------–
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UNION APPEAl project, will officially be displayed to the public WINSTON COUNTY JO during an opening cere- SPIRIT OF MORTON mony scheduled at 11 a.m. -Wednesday, September 14 IMPACT in th:e Ass~ci~te Degree - --- --Nursmg Building on the
opportunity to develop an appreciation for the humanities." For those interested in providing artifacts for dis– play at thf' exhibit or for more info~mation about the exhibit, please contact Stacey Hollingsworth, exec- . . . -
Decatur campus. The exhibit will remain on the ECCC campus through October 18. The exhibit showcases the cultural history of fences and lanu use. It . .
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