ECCC Di8morid WarriorS
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Members of the 2005 Diamond Warrior baseball team at East Central CommunityCollege lnc:lucle (front row, from left) Andre Coleman, Brandon Ezell, Jon Maxie, Sam 1'hlmel, shortstop James Harris, Morton; Dillon Mcinnis, catcher Ken Gordon, Morton;Travis Butler, Chris Pierce, Kevin Gregory. (second row, from left) Josh Miler, ftrst t.seman Wes Cox, Forest; DIMd Frey, Taylor Petty, Kevin Hatch, Jon Cole, Joseph CIYenuagh, catcher Josh Hawkins, Forest; Corey Coward, Cody Savell, Josh Yeager. (back row, from left) Bud Loper, Lucas Poole, WHJ Pearson, Marcus Davis, Justin Mullnax, Keith Edwards, outfielder John Hents, Morton; John Fortenbeny, Ross Pine and Van Wilson. Jake Yarborough serves as head coach. Dusty Hillman Is assistant coach. .... __, w _, ;> en =
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