ECCC Collegians to perform at Neshoba County Fair The Collegians, East Centrai·Community College's rock -n- roll band, will make their 22nd appearance at the Nashoba County Fair when they perform at 1 p.m. at the Founders' Square Pavilion on Monday, July 25, and at 6:45p.m. at the Racetrack prior to the Miss Neshoba County Fair pageant. The 1 p.m. performance will also feature the ECCC Cheerleaders and the Centralettes, the danceline for the Warrior Wal 0' Sound Marching Band. Pictured are (front row, from left) vocalists Carmelita Naylor of Meridian , Kailey Johnson of Philadelphia, Luke Howell of Decatur, Leigh Quick of Carthage and Victoria Loper of Decatur; (second row, from left) trumpeter Chris Smith of Union, saxophonists Liz Tullos of Philadelphia and Enc Henderson of Forest; trombonist David Walters of Philadelphia, keyboardist Jennifer Vance of Lake; and gwtansts Daniel Warren of Clarkdale and Grant Morris of Philadelphia; and back row. from left) techmc1ans Bryon Whitley of Philadelphia, Lee Dooley of Lake, Richard Burton of Little Rock, Joseph LeBlanc of Louisville, Coty Stokes of Nanih Waiya and Jonathan Walker of Hickory. Not pictured is Jeremie Jordan of Newton Thomas W. Carson serves as director and also plays guitar. (EC Photo)
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