ECCC orientation attt·acts nUillerous 1 ~eshoba students

Candill'-i Hogan. KeJTy Hudson. Jonathan Pickcm and Angela Stnbling. Chocta'' Central High School: Deana Chid;a\\ 3) Tara Carletta Henry. te' e. c. .a G. MaJure. Betf) Ph I p Am~ Sno''· Jo~hua Jack on and Thom1 ~1cGei~e). all of Philadelphia. Remammg orientation se-.– sion~ are scheduled Wednesday, July 20 and Friday. Aug. 12. rail classes hegin Monday, Aug. 22. For more infonnation contact ECCC Student Service~. Phone 601 -635-2111 or call toll free. I- 877-462-1222, ext. 375. The email address is jkillens(!t)cccc edu. (


S uent, esh Count) ''ho attended oncntau actin tie~ and their re pecU\ e btgh schools include the foliO\\ ing: Neshoba Central Htgh S~:hool: Jennafer Bet1son. Ashle; Ellingburg, Samantha Giambrone. Chester Greer. Jessica Griffin, Nathaniel Herrington. Patrick Jackson. Valerie Lillis. Hannah Luke. James Madison. Matthev. Pennenter. Robert Sum., Deidre Tubb). Holly Williamson and Jenca Williamson. PnllaJelphia High School. Wilham Bavetta. Cassidy Byars. from


LAKE MESSENGER ___ __________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES - ---------– UNION APPEAL------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ____ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------- IMPACT ____________

CARTHAGINIAN-------- -- NESHOBADEMOCRAT __/___ __ NEWTON RECORD ---------------- MERIDIAN STAR ----------- CLARION-LEDGER ________

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