B) L\. , lOITO. ~tBJ Con tributing Writer
CHOCTA\\ - Nev. educational opportumtics are com– ing to the Choctav. Ho,pitalit) Jn~titutc that \\ill be open to emplo)ee of Pearl Rher Re-.on and residents of the area. East Central Commumt) College and Pearl River Resort, v.hich b O\\Ded and operated by the Mississippi Band of Choctav. Indian,.,, formed a partner~hip to offer a two-year program in hotel and re-.taurant management technolog) beginning v.1th the 2005-200,<) !>~:hoot term. Classe~ will be taught in the rcson\; 'tate-of-the-art Choctaw Ho,.,pitalit) In..mute (CHI) that opened in 2001. A staunch 'upponcr of educational opportunities, Chief Phillip ,1\lartin rud. ··career de,elopment programs at Pearl R1\er Re,on wdl i.eep our as~ociates cootmually leammg, thu' pro\ 1ding them the abiht) to build a rewarding and s:ui,fymg career:· He added that lhe program wiU be offered to the general public n \\e:I .!S .!S"OCiate~ of the Choctaw resort, which include~ Stt er Star Hotel and Casino, Go lden Moon Hotel o.Uld Ca,mo. 14 restaurants and 1,066 hotel room Dr. Phil A. Sutphin . ECCCs pres1dent. said the col– lege looh forward to v.orktng with the reson in offering the much-needed progr.un He ~aid the college has worked With lhe tri'le ·nee 198 in various capacities. "My btbic mantra 'that it's a willlwm situation for bolh panics," he 'aid. "\\'e're e~cited and expect to have the premiere ho:.pitalit)' training program in the nation. We're pleased to p311Iler '"ith the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indian' to pro\ide educational opportunities and jobs for our area:· He said hotel and restaurant management technol– og) i)o being offered as .l re~ult of two needs assessment sun·e} ... completed y associates at the resort and stu– dents enrolled in -.econdary \OCational-technical cen– ters in ECCC's 11\e-count) district. Input regardmg the program v..as also provided by CHI management. "\\'e are an accredited program and have the capabil- 1[) to pro,·ide an associate of applied science degree," Sutphtn said. "The CHI has all you could ask for in a facility to prepare students for careers as managers/super– visors in the hospitality and tourism industry." At the e nd of the program, students may opt to
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- - ........... ' -·' -- receive a certificate by succe ssfu lly completing desig- !\GIN!AN SCOTT COUNrf T:~n:s nated courses listed in the hotel and restaurant manage-
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ment concentration.
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, Best of classroom and hands-on experience CHI executive director Tun Tubby said this program ~N STAR will offer a unique opportunity to those looking to enter - the hospitality field or those working in the area and "'-LEDGER
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wanting to expand their know(cdge. "The fact that it will
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