\'lEEK OF (r ) :::£

• EASTCENTRALCOMMUNITY \NU.I::UI: AREA JUDGES VISIT ECCC: Circuit Court Judges Vernon Cotten {second from Carthage and Marcus Gordon (third from left) of Union were luncheon guests of the ; Central Community College Board of Trustees at its April meeting. Judge Cotton is ~: · ;' pie+ ng his eighth year on the bench and Judge Gordon has served 26 years. Both ,.,..._,· sent the E1ghtt) Jud ciaI D1stnct. Pictured ·With the campus visitors are ECCC President~· .. A. Sutphin {left) and Board Chairman Prentice Copeland of Philadelphia. ·.• ; t .

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CARTHAGINIAN ---- ---- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT _____ NEWT ON RECORD --=------- M ~R!D!Af~ STAR--------

~coTT cou. TY r i·.:::s ____ ____ UNION A?P~L ---------- \\'!NSTON COUNTf ..:OURNAL _ _ _ _ _



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