- z~ '"'0 )> 0 -f Hundreds flock to ECCC Job Fair By Bryan Murphy 11re Newton Rrwn/

Hundreds converged on East Central Community College's Brackeen-Wood Physical Educa– tion Bui1ding in Decatur last Thursday in search of informa– tion about jobs and careers. The fifth annual Busmess, Education and Healthcare Expo had compa nics and schools represented statewide. Committee chairman Chris Harris was happy with the turnout. "It was a great turnout," liar· ris said. ''I'm very sa tisfied. " ·Harris notecl the effort that made the cwnt. succ,~ssful. "'I' he con1rn it ke heIpcd put th is event together: It takes a group or people to lll:llte it worlc The faculty and students really got behind thi s. Students canH! prepared, they had thei r resumes. 'I' he vendors t lwt. wt•rc here were c..;pry enthusiastic. There were a few less here than last year, but the economy is clil'– ferent than last year. More peo· pie will be hired this year." A lot of non students were in attendance at the event. "We had several displaced worker s attend," Harris said. ''The college serves a five-county area and the event was open to all residents, not just students. It was a win-win situation for ECCC and the community." Vendors on hand were asked a lot of questions. "The students were very bright and engaging, ·• Emily Keith, of MSU's College of Busi· ness and Industr y, said. "They're excited about continuing their

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BRYAN MURPHY/ THE NEWTON RECORD Many students and older adults flocked to ECCC's Job Fair Expo on the Decatur campus last Thursday. education. I have talked to a lot of students." positions and RK and LPN's. We're one of the best kept secrets in the South."

resource manager Cyndi Robin– son Myrick talked about the variety of jobs available wit hin their· company. "People do not realize what we have," Myrick said. 'When someone mentions La-Z-Boy they think factory work and sewing, but we're much more than that. We have engineering, computer networking, manage– ment opportunities, financial

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"There was tremendous inter– est shown in our hospital," Dean– na Cornish, of Riley Memorial Hospital in Meridian. said. "A lot of moms as well as students have talked to us. What we have at Riley's is a family atmosphere and great benefits, that's an important part of what we offer.'' La-Z-Boy assistant human

One-.of the many,students·who were roaming the gym ·floor ~ummed up the day best, ''I got of lot of information on what they had to offer." Bill Cole, of Ideal Solutions, won a La-Z-Boy recliner. The chair was one of many door prizes given away.

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