Viverette Inks With ECCC 0 .. ;
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ECCC PBL Members Assist with District FBLA Cont DECATUR--Members ofEast Central Community College's Phi Beta Lambda chapter recent sisted with the Central District future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Contest, which wa~ on the College's Decatur campus. Phi Beta Lambda is an organization for business students. Pic are (front row, from left) Rebecca Ross of Montrose, Leslie Patrick of Conehatta, Ashley Jor Newton, Jenne McEihenney of Lake and Shalonda Buckley ofPhiladelphia; (second row, fron Brand! Harvey of f orest, Ethel Dubose ofQuitman, Elsalena Roberts and Temeka Dmmmond ofNewton; and Tammy Davis ofLouisville; (third row, from left) Jamika Brown, Tonya Flowe 8JNI4, .. =a:.. ·· '· . :;:;;; '· 4 * ·. '><:'r. ~,5•' .. ·t,.,.,.; &
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Bonner Rose 1\:orwood. Philadelphia; Danidle G: Carthage, and Betty Robin Edinburg: (fourth row, frOJ Cory Johnson of Hickor: emy McNair and Monica both of Phi ladelphia; K: Will is of Conehatta and Dempsey of l ouisvil le: ar J·ow, from left) Marty P Newwn, Heather Kennt Philadelphia and Cart Eansley and Antonio Hoy ofNewton. (EC Photo) LU - I I oc; I o:: ~ >-z wt- ._o <.9>- z._
Valuable Player and made the all District team for three sea– sons. She was also twice se– lected most valuable player in the district tournament, and made the All-Scott County Team on three occasions. Viverette was selected to play in the annual Mississippi/Ala– bama All-star Game sched– uled in June. Pictured with the new Lady Warrior at a sign– ing ceremony held at ECCC are (seated from left) her mother, Zettie Viverette and sister, April Viverette, and (s tanding from left) Brad Hodge, ECCC head women's bas ketball coach; Bill Ingersoll , l<~dy l lomet head coach; and r ohy Uush, FCCC 1 ady W1u1 io1 nssisl DECATUR--Lake Hi gh ~dwnl ha~"-cthal l standout Ktmyatta Vi,·crcttc is shown stgni ng a national letter of tntl'lll to continue her athletic cat..:ct at Fast Central Com– tnun ity Co ll ege in Decatur. Viverette. a ()-loot forward, uvcmgcd 14 points and nine rebounds lot the Lady Hor– net~ tht s past season. llonors IIH.Iudl.' her sclcct1nn on the 100 I .tnd 7002 M1 ss1ssippi 1\-.suu.ttlon of Coaches All S1. 1t1.' tc.11ns She was t wiCl' ll.tllll.'d Ut stnct Mos t . . z .._ _j ::> 0:: _ w z ~ 0 o o (/) => a.o~ w~ O o..zu. o:: :EO<(oO ~ w~ZI-1- a. ~ oO~o:: a.c:x;oz>a.. <( .JCI)::>;>CJ)
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