WILLIS INKS WITH ECCC ·Newton County High School basketball standout AI Willis is shown signing a natiohal letter of intent to continue his athletic career at East Cen– tral Community College in Decatur. Willis scored 17 points rer game and averaged 4.5 rebounds, 7 assists and 3.5 steals fo r the Cougars last season. He was named All-District for two seasons and received the Senior Cougar Award. He "as also voted senior captain. The new Warrior is shown during a signing ceremony at ECCC with hjs mother, Bonita Dawkins, and (standing from left) ECCC men's bas- rll-&11 coaches Billy Smith (head) and Shane Eck (assi:·lant 1 (EC Photo)
EGCC Softball Tryouts May 6 ~ .._c.ntral Community College will hold tryouts for Lady \'\'arrior fast-pitch softball team Monday, May ar. Decatur campus, anno1Ulced head Coach Mike An- - Registration -11:30 a.m. in Brackeen-Wood Physi– Ed But1ding; lunch at noon; campus tour at 12:45. Try– ts be£in at 2:30p.m. on softball field. Call 635-2111, ext. SOl for additional information.
ECCC Ac'cents Auditions l\1ay 2-3 The East Central Commuruty College s show choi:, will hold open auditions for the !all semester fru:m 1 ~o 5 ?· ~ .. Mav 2- 3m t..l--e Ovid S. Vickers fine A.-ts Center. TilOse auchtiorung must submit two letters or recommend.a:ion and perform a prepared solo. A CD and cassette player or a pl– ano accompanist will be available. Contact Viclo Blay– lock to set up audition time- 635-2111, ext 225. APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER_______ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES______ UNION APPEAL ________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______
CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_ ______ NEWTON RECORD___________________ MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER.__________________
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