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ECCC Gospel Cho r Members of East Cei"Jtral Community Co lege's GOSPel Choir are shown prior to the annuaJ Fa I Co'\Cert hek:l in the Vickers Fine Arts Center on t!le Decatur campos. Pictured are. first row from eft. La Tasha "'ia Decatur: Christina .Vilder. Seattle Wash ngton: ElsaJena Roberts. Newton, Pamei.Cl Carter, P ~ph:a Cortez Washingto~ Jackson ~egg.e C strunk. Loo•sville: Austin Uoyd. Morton; LaShandriea l1.Jck.et: :xi Anita Griffin, both C 4 Carthage al"d Natasha Foster Philadelphia; second row. from left, are Keisna T Newton; Kenata Y;a~ Ca-rage: Shaye Moncnef. Newton; Trista Haynes, Noxapater: Gary Ha: Bassfield; Billy Moore o'ta ru.: Gr-ove· Terance Anderson. Preston; Diedre Greer, Galilee; leMeisM Carthage; and Mrs. Brenda on~ of Lawrence, sponsor: third row, from left, Sharon Gadd s Ca.r.hage Eldner Graham. Noxapa~er: , a ene Rush and Andreka Johnson, both of louisville; Troy h ...cdlestori Decatur; Dantavis YcCiendon Lena : Sharonda Rush, louisville; and Tanzanekia Adams. Merid an; and fourth row, from lett Yo&anda JOhnson. Newton: Tamika Stribling, Walnut Grove; Johnny Jones on· Damien Wash, Decatur· and Kenny McWilliams and Jonathan Griffin, both of Philadelphia Not pictured are Keisha Burnside ~ Phlladefph•a. Dejlian Y'tt 11 eld and Monshay Gross, both of Louisville; Andrian Moore, Morton; Terra Willsatl"'s Newton; and Fredrck Denson, Lena.

' (Right) ECCC Students Tapped For Math Club Recently welcomed as new members of Mu Alpha Theta at East Central Community College in Decatur include, seated from left, Mandy Eakes of Philadelphia, Christy Martin of Forest, Christy Fedrick of Philadelphia, Shelley Johnson of Hickory and Sarah Allard of Union, and standing from left, Amy Warren of Louisville, Jennifer Harpole of Carthage, Joseph Charlt~n of Little Rock, Kery McDill of Decatur, David Burt of Newton, Drew Kenna of Forest, Lacey Sanborn of

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