EC Lady Warriors fall in Region 23 DECATU R A Sl't'mld -st nu~-:ht Region 23 Toutn,unc nt•. u owu w.l\ not in the ca1ds lut 1•,1\t Cc11tr.ll Commututy Collcgt:'s J .ady Wattllll\ who s uccumbed to IMimually l olllkt•d Meridian Commutut y ( 'ollt·pl' IN t(O Monday night m ltr~>t round auu~r~ul the a nnual compctllton hdd .11 A I Wood Coh,ctun on the M "s"'lflJII College C<~mpw. 111 Chntu11 Wa111o" uti lilt k,uf to !li\ .11 IX I' Wllh .thout lllltt 111111111n llt)lol llllll)' hut lllltld Ill'\II I' V,• I olll \ d11~1 I ,1 1 I ftt I 1 111 ' '"''-n l l ,ful" I tf.lt!H 1111lh II nwuy leu flu "'' lo)r}' :nul. j1i1pi"'' d 111 11) ) ~npltolltlll t lllittldo;•u l Ni~h1 I ,t( ·IIIII I pt oll flltl C:•l N, tldtilo)dll~S 1 tt y( " '"" ) fllph s, hool, tlucc; and 1\1• luul t Ill 11 n l Chnllnw Central, I\\ II l,ie11 in}' l l:t 1)' "' l{.avnHllld h;td ..2.1 potilll!l to:• I Hll i l I
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{ l'llll .ll Ill I IIIII .illlllt kd 1111 ~·~(11( 1 With l'l Jlllllll •. \I~C:l 1\1 \llilll: 1(11 Htt ~l C tllll.ll \HIt '11md :ia I "'' v " ' Ncwtou Cuunt v I ~: \h 111d;11 C'i•.trunl.. ul I IIIII\\ ilh~ llllll I o r i Cumhcrland of l c.·il l.c Al.ltklll\, e1ght, Chm.t1na l•otd of l· ntcrpn-.c, four; As hley Brown of Scott Central, four; Shelly Giddings of University
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The l:.ast Central Women. who finis hed the se ason with a 14 II record under first-year hc;ld coach Brad Hodge, trailed by as many a~ 18 points, (36-18) during the first half, but were able to trim the MCC lead to 40-30 at the break. The lady
pli;IIIIU ·~;t!\illl :tf ll(tll ll'llh n 'J.~·7 111;11 I\. li;li:C ICiiH'd lulfllll'ing lh 1 001 112 1(~1111 111\1 "'·" <;Utl~l't:dl'.t h1 h1~ forme r as~l\lant.
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