Meridian '-'tar
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Hov;ever Jones was unable to make anotner basket until the 3·25 rnan< when Rashaune Walters connected T..,e Bobcats were 5 -of-9 at the free-throw line over that span as ECCC ou ed out to a "'1 -61 ead w1th Hornsby and James Denson scor ..,g c .e ootrts ao ece and Kevtn Bobbitt hitttng a 3-potnter for :he Wa•r o•s We didn 't panic when we got down three S...... :'"'sa: Ja .....es stepped 1t up with about six m1nutes to go ana ., : s::....e . ECCC women 71 Jones 57 The Lady Warriors jumped out to a 24-4 lead before hav1ng to ho d off the Lady Bobcats in the second half for the postseason-chnchtng win ECCC took a 30-18 lead into halftime and was up 40-26 wtth JUSt under 15 minutes remaining. Jones got a pair of 3-potnters from Andrea Austin to get to within 48-42 with 10:43 st1ll to be playeo Nikki LaCour scored 10 of ECCC 's 15 points midway through the second half to keep the Lady Warriors with a 50-42 advantage People pressure Nikki and try to take her out of our offense and s'1e JUSt takes that as a challenge and steps up and responds." ECCC coach Brad Hodge said. "I admire her for that." Five points from Lori Cumberland kept ECCC w1th a six-point (55-49) http: ' \\'W\\ .meridianstar.com/meridianstar/myarticles.asp?P=482-l31 & =58-l-&PublD=785 .. -, 15 2002
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