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Remembering their friends =·c ...... Sta" Reports _a... ·s 2002
-"e women s basketball team at East Central Commun ty Co ege .•.ears a black patch with the No 22 for LaShonda Ford of Fares: t.I"IO was killed in an automobile acc1dent shortly after the 2000 -C' scnool year ended . She would have been a sophomore th1s year Tne East M1ss1ssippi Community College men 's team wears a black patch 1n honor of former Lions coach Steve Hull, who suffered a fatal heart attack on Oct. 15 while playmg golf at Dancing Rabbit Golf Course Hull was in his seventh year at EMCC.
- Marty Stamper
Out for the year
East Mississippi Community College freshman guard Allison Power of New Hope High School is out for the remainder of the season with a broken right wrist. The injury occurred during the Lady Lions' Nov. 27 contest with Jones Jun ior College. Preliminary x-rays suggested that the 5-foot-6 Power had spramed the wrist. However, a second x-ray showed that it was broken. Power was the second leading scorer on the 1-9 Lady Lions' team.
.Anni"iersancs Obituanes
- Cassie Chance
Southwest Tennessee teams slumping
Both the men 's and women's basketball teams at Southwest Tennessee Community College at Memphis, Tenn., advanced to the nat1ona tournament level last year. This year IS another story
The Lad/ SaluqUis were 4-9 heading mto a Jan 9 contest w th H ••• assee College
Tr:e So~:~.·. est Nomen won two of three games.m the II nos ce~:·a Tc~~""a,...e": :>ec 27 -29.
Tre Scu:,.., :.est rnen were 6-7 after coming off a 94-91 ,•;.n c. €' r - r-e Sa ....ou s a·e :eo by Cortez St1gger who averages:::: 3 oo r:s
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