WEEK OF 2/ Jen lS2Z
The stage ~'a:> set for a drama:K overtime ilnic:;b for East Central Communit) Colleges Wamof"' ~1 Corey Homsb~ s three-p O\er the outscored~-.:.: The EC "' under first-year head mee!a Hodge. ·'The bottom bne ts \\e'\e make shots and Cree thro\\s Th~ everything else we asked them to I can't fault them for their effCI~ tney played hard. Even with a mmute to go and down four, we still felt like •e had a chance. We've just got to con– vert," Hodge said. Sophomore guard Nikki LaCour was the leading scoring for East Central with 17 points. Other point makers were Christina Ford of Enterprise, 11; Tamekia Foley of Newton County, seven; Trelisa Eichelberger of Noxapater, five; Shaneka Cistrunk of Louisville and Shelley Giddings, four each; Lori Cumberland of Leake Academy, three; and Melinda Ben of Choctaw Central and Ashley Brown of Scott Central, two each. Nakia Dowing had 22 points for the Lady Bears who improved to 9-3 and 2-1. The Lady Warriors led 29-20 at halftime. East Central squads will be on the road Thesday. January 22. in another division matchup at Jones County Junior College in Elltsville. • .PPEARED IN: / AKEMESSENGER__ ~/~-------- COTT COUNTY TIMES--A~..---------- NION APPEAL I ---------------- IINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_______ PIRIT OF MORTON_~---- EWTON MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN-:----~K~·----- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD ----- MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER.______
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