ECCC Wildlife Habitat improving campus beauty, students' education Wildlife Habiuu at
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dent~ and local 4-H members and their p-.rcnt~ and 'pon-.ors are all contribut– ing to the construction . ,.,hich should be completed th1s ...ummer... D Hen– mngton -..aid. Dr. Hennington. with the help of ph~'ieal plant tlirector Mike IXanng. ha.' also "ritten a proposal to ho~t an mericorp' team on the Decatur enm– pu-.. "If thh proP keep record' of OC'dg~.: m the 00\C' on campu-.." added Dr Hennmgton. Dr. Henington prm-..ed Clcncc Department Chairman Ron D. ' his "behmd the ~ene~·· ''O c., 1. said he sta)' hu') dnlhn~ . ~ ~ wood. digging hob and pro\Jdmg support for the other in-..tructors and their studcnh. Dr. Hennmgton ha wntten and Arbor \ 111~.:1) on the fmnt campu' around the blue bllckllo\\ \alve. ·'The tast Central physical plant personnel. bl.Ulog) and chemistr) stu- Wildlife Communit) Colkge. out a-.. gra's and boui– Cro~' HaJJ Science u.,~,~e, to expand m ~11c .. ~ '"Cimg to Dr. Betlye gton. project dir~tor and ...,......,..._o b1olog) and chemistr). re \Cr} proud of the work e department. includin)! man) ne\\ project!) being the hab1tat on almo-,t a daily Dr Hennmgton explained what • the ne\\ sights include. Joe John-..on. biology instructor. shed a' ictOI) garden (vcg- - rden) on the south campus ts '1.... done to improve the recei,ed a grant m conJunction "'llh O\erk ... Dr. Hennington sa1d. the Good Luck -l-H club to build an orking on the mathematical Continued from page 98 ......,•..-..oun' for an analemmatic sundi- ______ .:._::::...____ --...,.--';,......,,......;=--'--~-=-l...----"=:-:----..,------.,.----,---.:....;-:.__:___,_ be 10 tailed by his student~ on program and work \\ith a chemhtn front C'..lmpus." she said. class during Kids College thj, sum'- "?'"dtl Da\ is. biology and microbi- mer." _ 10 1ctor. has added an herb Not onl) i the Wildlife Habitat for bunerfl) larvae. bird feed- making a difference m the appearance -ou~hout campus and adthtional of the campus. it I!> also bemg u'~'ll a., ird boxe-. on the Davi' Blue a teaching tool in man) classe'>. ... Tra.I Kcr students are working ''AIJ biology cia. :,es are using the l v. ith the Cornell Uni- garden as part of sen·ice learning," t) Omnholog) Laboratory rc said Dr. Hennington. "The addition of the habitat in from of au HaJJ and work around the coiJege pond has greatly added to the studentS' stud\ of ecology and fore~rry." • An ongoing project, Dr. Henning– ton said new plan:> for the Wildlife Habitat include adding bat boxes to the north campu-. around the pond. planting experimental grm., th plots for pine trees, adding a hardwood stand around the pond, completing work on wildflower areas. adding numerous new species of pine trees. landscaping outside the ceramics lab on south campus and adding other ways for !~Ci ence student!> to use the ECCC cam– pus as a learning lab. Although )tudents and instructors are doing mo 1 of the work on the habitat, donations are welcome and needed. "We need a pump for the front campus pond and money for buying native hrubs," said Dr. Hennington. '·The department is aJso looking for a tiiJer that could become a permanellt part of our cache of tools. We also have plans to bui ld a storage shed on the west end of Cross HaJJ and dona- tions of lumber and construction help are much needed." Dinah Howell of Little Rock and Casey McMillan of Lawrence weec the butterfly garden area of the Wildlife Habitat. APPEARED LAKE MESS scon coL UNION APP WI NSTON C SPIRIT OF~ She added they are looking tor people who would like to plant trees on campu!> in memory of someone. Those interested hould contact Ron Davis at 635-2111 . ext. 222. Dr. Hennington <;aid. "We are sin– cerely grateful to all input, ideas. tim and sweat that have been added to our Arboretum!feaching Lab project. We have found the ECCC administration ''totally supportive of the work being done o·n campus by the ~cicnce depart– ment. We thank the staff and instruc– tors who have donated plan I'> and time to improvmg the habitat. We al<;o' thank the people of the community. and our students who have been more than happy to help with the project." For more information on the Wildhfc HabiWt. contact Hennington at 635-2111. ext. 362.
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