WEEK OF rJf? 1p;j !!._2
Entergy Mississippi to expand education award program £no;t Central becomes the eighth communitr college in the program Just one year after the pro- rntergy funds scholarsh1ps at each of gram started. I;ntcrgv M1ss1ssippi the Mississ1pp1 e1ght unners1t1es. says that Its "Excellence m Educauon.. Scholarships are awarded to students · as ready for a promotion. So, East Cen- who are maJonng in elementaf) or sec– tral ~hss1ssipp1 Commumty College ondary education. ''ith an emphasiS has been .1dded to the se\ en commu- in math or sc1ence. and "ho arc JUn– mt) colle~es " heh· E.ntergy offers a iors or senior:> m college dunng the scholarship through the program. scholarship year. "Education and a trained The scholarsh1ps and \\orkfon:e arc keys to economic de- a'' ards cost the compan} about \elopment" said McKinley Johnson. $44,000 each year '\lone of the funds Customer Sen 1ce Manager for used for the scholarship program ''ill Entelg) 111 Rankin and Scott Coun- come d1rectlv from I·nterg} ues " \\hen educat1onal opportun i- \11SSI sstppt s customers. Johnson ue:. are mcreased. chances for a bet- hopes that other compa111es \\111 fal– ter futun: are mcreased as \\ell. I am to'' Enterg) ·s lead b) c:.tabhshmg parttcu Iarty pledsed to expand our similar programs "\\'hen )OU constder scholar:.hlp program to East Central the potential benefits. scholarshtps because of tts' proxtmtt) to \1orton. hke these ..1rc an e'\cellentlmestment. and the number of local students who Ifmore c6mpanies "ill commit to do– attend there." mg thts. we can tnlPTO\ e our \\Orkforce The program promotes and. by e:\tension. the potenual for leammg from kindergarten through ne'' jobs and ne\\ economic de' clop– college. At the K-12 level. Entergy ment m the 21st century· partners Vv'lth the MISSISSippi Depart- Students Interested Ill the ment of Educauon and 11s annual scholarshtp program should contact Teacher of the Year A\\-ards. Entergy the uni\ersity or commumty college award... $2,000 to the Teacher of the that the} plan !o attend for more mfor– Year and SI ,000 for programs at the mation. school v. here the teacher v. ort...s. Enterg) \ltSslSStppt pro– Entergy also presents SI,000 to each \ tdes electncll~ to almost 400.000 cus– of the finalists for the Teacher of the tomers in 45 counties. It is a substd-
ECCC Ac'ce ts to hold auditions May 2-3
fhe Ac\:ents, East Central Commumt) Collece'sshowch01r. \\til 1 ,Jd •Jr n •1 dl! ons for the fall sc–
m I t.> 5 p rn \iay 2-3 m the \ k~;rs f tnc At t~ Center Au-
T no e audtttontnp must ommcndJUon , prepared olo A
tar) of Enterg~ Corporation. '' hich O\\ ns, manages. or i1n ests in power plants generating more than JO 000 megav.atts of electnc1ty domcsllcall) and mtemauonally. and also dell\ers electricit)' to abut 2. 'i m1lhon custom– ers in portions of ,\rkansas. MISSIS- sippi, Louisiana. and 1 e:~.as. Enterg) IS also a leading prO\ ider of" nolesale energ~ marketing and tradtng ser– vices
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