·: EC plansFine Arts Fest ... . East Central Community Dianne Douglas,
Decatur; Kelly Cauthen and Heather Cheesman, both of Raymond; Lisa Chamblee, Deidre Greer and Lana Rogers, all of Carthage; Jacob Childs and Josh Hall, both of Morton; A.J. Clanton, Lawrence; Sarah Cole, Jennifer Cuchens, Alyssa Ford, Daryl Jones, Johnny Jones, Megan Logan, Tori Tijerina and Carl Wilson, all of Newton; Caleb Cook, David Thorne and Damein Wash, all of Hickory; Natalie Duncan, Walnut Grove; Shondrick Hampton, Adam McAdory and Kyle McDill, all of Louisville; Anna Himebrook, Rebecca kelly and Jennifer Savell, all of Lake, Renea Irby and Andy Murphy, both of Meridian; Braden Land, Corinth; Kiel May. Vicksburg; Kristen Thornton, Edinburg; and Sharma Travis, Crystal Springs. Art students whose work will be featured will include William Cherry and Victoria Daniels. both of Philadelphia; Ardria Harris, Walnut Grove; Xavier Keyes, Raleigh; Jeff Stuart. Lake; Amq.nda Thompson, Louisville; Chris Greer and Tommy Johnson, both of Carthage; Aaron McElfish, Union; and Katrina Wise and Laura Shook, both of Newton. Ceramic students whose tal– ents will be showcased include
MEga:: Tramill, Vaneesa Edwards. Amanda Strait, Betty Thame:; and Zac Thames, all of Newton; Francis Blackwell, Cary Brown, Connie Witcher. Michelle Shaw, Tessa Walton and Mary Hall, all of Philadelphia; Lisa Brantley. Erica Hall, Beverly Woods, Kathy Townsend, Edgar Bradford, Narja Bryce and Josh Tillman, all of Forest; Chris Jordan, Josh Burton and Thomas Walton, all of Decatur; Billy McClurg, French Camp; Shellie Keyes and Jessie Moore, both of Union; Penny Alford, Toni Gill and Clayton Cooper, all of Carthage; Lindsay Rigdon, Honey Taylor, Lesley Taylor and Katy Thompson, all of Louisville; Brenda Clay, Hickory; Cassandra Kemp, Bay Springs; and Kirk Misso, Starkville. Guraedy and Todd Eldridge serve as art instructors. Ross Price serves as director of the chorale. For more information con– tact the ECCCArt Department Phone 635-2111, ext. 229 or call toll free 1-877-462-3222, ext. 229.
College will present a Fine Arts . Festival at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 18, in the Vickers Fine Arts Center on the Decatur campus, announced Bruce Guraedy, Chairman of the Fine Arts Division. "This is going to be a big event. Over 45 art students and ~ the entire concert chorale will " be involved," said Guraedy. The festival includes a per– formance by the College chorale at 7 p.m. and the open– ing of the Juried Spring Art Show a t 8 p.m. The chorale will p~rform selections by Rutter, Byrd, Luboff, Casals and many oth– - ers. various pieces of thrown • and hand-built ceramics and all types of art mediums includ– ing drawings paintings and designs will be on display through the month ofApril. Members of the chorale include J ennifer Bane, Heatber Brantley, Mandy Calecas, Leticia Horn, Chalunda Hudson, Kathy Jones, Krystal Moore and Trinity Morris, all of Philadelphia; Jessica Brooks and Natalie Tanksley, both of Forest; Glenda Brown, Claire Edgar and Rebecca Germany, all of Union; Chris Carson, Tony Harris, Dinah Howell, Ricardo Robinson, Matthew Smith, Jeremy Stevens, Brad Sutphin and Stacey York, all of
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