center is ju~t another example of the College·, ongoing efforts to assist employers and employees in the workforce community. "East Central is committed t o economic development in east ~li.<;sissippi and this lab is one of the activities of the College to provide the training that i:- required to de\·elop and maintain a top quality work– force m our fh·e-counry area,'" Dr. Sutphin said. \~i}Utlock sa1d East Cenrra1 wa:;· able to realize the -.i:;ion for being a ~college for the employment community"' through Workforce Education and Training funds made avail– able through the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges. Thanks to state fund– ing, the Center is equipped with the latest technology. "It has first-class capabili– ties for enhancing the produc– t ivity levels of the workforce in this area and can only remain able to meet current and poten– tial employer needs \vith the continuation of this funding source by an immediate and insting legislative commit-.. ment,'' Whitlock said. He noted the training center
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