continuedfrom JICit one
to assist local areas in the recrm·, ent ol business prospects when at all p ible.'
ECCC can help develop skilled ~ rkforct Sutphin said he and others <1!"~ trying to get the word out that ECCC .... 1other Mississippi community and jun col– leges can help to de..,elop .. highly skilled workforce. But, he added i'.'hen a student graduates from a sktl :d pro– gram there needs to be a job for that per– son to take. We're caught in tha no.,. and we're trying to do our part. ECCC offers education and uatn– in g needs to Leake, ~e ton, Neshoba, Scott and Winston co ues . The college's 2001-2002 f..,• -credit enrollment is 2,345 students v. · take academic, tech nical or voc tonal coursework, and there are 1,84 non– credit students served through adult ·· education classes that lead to the GED. Another 11,694 people parttci– pate in workforce training act vnie
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