WEEK OF /g Feb f)( training lab to assist area busine
In a continuing effort to serve the needc; of businesses and industrie~ in the five– county area, East Central Community College in Decatur recently unveiled its new Productivity Enhancement Trainmg lab during Open House activi– ties held at the Philadelphia- ·eshoba County Vocational Technical Center, a division of ECCC. College officials hope that the response to the new facil– ity, a project of the ECCC Workforce Development Center, is ~n indicator for success. "Almost 100 people, includ– ing representatives from 28 emplo\ ers, attended the Open House Several com– panie.., have already contact– ed u" about providing cus– tomized classes to meet maintenance oriented train– mg need::. and to address other human resource devel- pment are• ..;.," said Roger '\ hitlock, Ctnter director. eflective of those found in automated production envi– ronments, and is designed to provide customized training to meet technical, profes– swnal and personal needs of businesses and industries in Leake, Scott, 1\lewton, Neshoba and Winston coun– ties.ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin said the ne\\ training center is just anoth– er example of the College'o; ongoing efforts to assist employers and employees in the \'(rorkforce community "East Central is committed to economic development in east Mio;sissippi and this lab is one of the activities of the College to provide the train– ing that ts requued to devel– op and maintain a top quali- ty workforce in our fh·e– county area," Dr. Sutphin he Productivity
\\on;tt»n:e [)evelopml·nt Center at Ea't Central CommumtvCollege m attcndan~ during Open Hou~e activttre-- at the College·., a.b Jocato.?d .11 the Philadelphia/1'-:e-;hoba County \o-T~...:h
uon con-
tact the ECCC \\orkforce DevPfupment Center P.O.
,:w is Phbrm ""635-2111 or call toll ~uippcd with over $500,000 free, 1-877-462-3222, ext. 299. 'f computer-driven, The email address is m l,it- 1dvanced technologies lock(a-)eccc.cc.ms.us. .. :;:, 3_,.,-,..,.,-.... ·.nhancement lab
Whitlock said East Central ..., as able to realize the vision tor being a ''college for .the employment commumt)' through Workforce Educat10n and Training funds made available through the State Board ~or Community and Jumor Colleges. Thanks to sta~e funding, the Center I!> equipped with the latest technology. . . ''It has. first-class capabtll– ties for enhancing the pro– ductivity levels of the work– force in this area and can only remain able to meet current and potential employer needs .with ~he continuation of th1s fundmg c.;ource by an immediate and lasting legislative commit–
environmLnts. Whitlock c.aid per the Col e-,;e·... \-. Development Cen available lo pro~ de tance to comp arranging cla-.se– offered at "Our '-t<'
ment them,
~ ment," Whitlnck said.
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He noted the trruning cen– t\ o-f d mt ion I
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For mnr~
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