WEEK OF / / 1-=e b 19.2
Continued from page 1A brain tumor prior to the start of the 2001 baseball season, died at age 49 en July 18, 2001, at his home in Decatur. He led the Diamond Warriors for 14 seasons, compiling an overall mark of 365-302-1. His 1998 squad captured the school's first state baseball champion– ship. . In addition to naming the baseball stadium, various other projects are planned as memorials to Coach Clark. Contributions may be sent to the Jamie Clark Memorial Fund, The War– rior Club, East Central Community College, P. 0 . Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327. The Warrior baseball field is named in memory of former team member Chris Gay IV of Meridian. Gay and classmate Mandy Chamblee of Philadelphia were killed in an automo– bile accident during the 1987 fall semester.
~CCC will name stadium after Coach Jamie Clark
Building. Clark's widow, Audrey Clark, and their daughter, Nicki, of Austin, Texas, are among program partici– pants for the dedication ceremony. Audrey is also scheduled to throw out the game's first pitch. Also participating in the program are Dr. Phil Sut– phin, ECCC president; the Rev. Chris Vowell of Philadelphia, a former Diamond Warrior; Tommy Oopton, ECCC faculty member I assistant football coach; Larry Blackburn, former ECCC staff member; and Jake Yarborough, Dia– mood Warrior head coach. The Ac'cents, the college's c:how choir, will perform the national anthem.
East Central Community College will officially name its baseball stad1um m memory of longtime head coach Jamie Clark during a ceremony scheduled Mon– day February 18 on the De– carur campus. A sign designating "Jamie Clark Memorial Stadium" "'1ll be unveiled at the 1 p m. ceremony, prior to the Diamond Warriors' home opener with rival East Mis– ppl Community Col– Oark's Jer:>ey #41 will be retrrcd. A replica of ersey will be posi– m the right fie ld th"'rP--next to the state p1onship c:ign, and his
Jamie Clark Clark, who was diag– nosed with an inoperable See CLARK on page SA
ill be m display in " of the Brackeen- .; , r tion
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