ECCC Board of Trustees Officers \_, .
DECATUR--Prentice Copeland (left) of Philadelphia was re– cently re-elected to serve a fourth two-year term as Chair– man of the East Central Com– munity College Board ofTrust– ees. Copeland was first elected to the post in 1996. At right is Jack Winstead of Lawrence, who was re-elected to serve a second two-year term as Vice Chairman. Not pictured is Jerry Nance ofLouisville, who begins his fourth two-year term as sec– retary. Elections were held at the December 200 1 meeting on Jhe Decatur campus. (EC Photo)
Several ECCC Warriors Receive Scholarships With Four-Year Colleges \1arco C 1e. a 6 'I ... 180-pound DECATUR--Several members and was selected the South deten~·\·e back who signed with of the 2001 East Central Com- Dhuion ·s most Yaluable of fen- Hardmg (Arkansas) Uni¥ersity. munity College football team siYe lineman. He \\·as chosen an Cole. a product ofNeshoba Ceo– received scholarships at mid- All-Star and helped lead the tral H 1 gh School, was selected year and have transferred to their South to a 16-14 win over the honorable mention All-State. respective four-year colleges North All-Stars in the annual Cole completed the 200 I cam– and universities, announced matchup held at Northeast Mis- paign with 26 tackles, 12 assists, Warrior head coach Terry sissippi Community College in three interceptions and two Underwood. Booneville. In addition, Spencer fumble reco\eries. Signees include the following: was selected the Warriors' most Darrius "Buck" Thames, a Jerry Spencer, a 6' 4,'' 300- valuable offensive lineman. 5' 1 L" 175-pound defensive pound offensive lineman who Spencer also played a key role back who ~I so signed at Harding now attends the University of in East Central completing the University. Thames. a product of Louis\1lle. Spencer. a product of 200 I campatgn as the state 's Ph 1 1adelnnia Ht!.!h School was -- -
Eagle! Spnngs, l\;onb Carohna. was named a third team J. C. Grid-Wire All-American, first team All-Region 23, All-State
eragmg 2 I I A yards per contest. ChrisHooper. a 6'4,'' 215-pound free safety who signed with Cen– tral Missouri State University. Hooper, a product of North Springs High School in Atlanta, Georgia, was chosen honorable mention All-State. He was credited with 42 tackles, 14 assists and two interceptions during the 200 l season. John Bibb, a 6', 220-pound line– backer now with Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva, Oklahoma. Bibb, a prod– uct of Tuscaloosa (Alabama) Central High School. was se– lected an honorable mention J.C.
State. He 'Aas credtted with 27 tackles, eight assists, five inter– ceptions and one fumble recov– ery during the 200 I season. Fredrick Knighten, a 6' 2," 240- pound tight end who is now at– tending the University of Ten– nessee At Martin. Knighten, a product of Meridian High School, was an honorable men– tion All-State selection. A two– year starter, Knighten was also instrumental in the Warriors ' success on offense. Jon Gusman, a 6'4," 255-pound defensiYe li neman who has transferred to Illinois State Uni– \·ersity. Gusman. a oroduct of
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