Pearl River swept East Cen tral in South Division doubleheader baseball action at Poplarville Saturday, w in- ning both by games 10-0 Marty via the 10-run Stamper rule. The sweep was highlight– ed by sophomore Jered Sala7ar's no-hitter in the first game. Salaza.~ a righthander from Lafayette, La., who recently signed with LSU after transferring to PRCC from Bossier Parish, pitched five perfect innings to tmprove to 4-1. He struck out four and walked only one. Chris Thompson (4-2)
picked up the w in in the nightcap. The righthan-der pitched four innings, striking out three and walking only one. Neal Cannon relieved in the fifth. In the first game, PRCC finished off the Warriors in the second inning with a stx– run barrage, then added solo runs in the third and fou rth and a pair of runs in the fifth to end the game. The Wildcats finished the game with eight hits, all sin– gles. Jason Wooten was the los– ing pitcher in his two innings on the mound. He struck out two, walked one, and h it
four batters before Alex Shephard relie\ ed in the third. Sheph.ud struck out one, w.•lked two, and .1lso hit four batters. In the nightcap, Pearl River put the Warriors av. ay in the first inning going up 3- 0, mcluding back-Lo-back home runs by Eric Adkins and Jeff Middlet(1n. PRCC then padded its lead with four more runs in the second. The Wildcats scored their final three runs in the bottom of the fourth. Thompson pitched three perfect innings before Lewis Bradford beat out a bunt sin– gle in the fourth for EC' s first hit of the afternoon. EC starter Aaron Gisler took the loss in going 1 2/3 innings, striking ou• hree and walkmg one. C 11ey Blackwell relieved in thL -.ec– ond, strikmg out two, walk– ing one, and hitting one bat– ter. Adkins paced PRCC'::. 11- hit attack with a home run and two singles, while Brett Harris had two singles. . Bradford, Joey Holcomb, and Jarrod Vaughn each had a singJc to account for EC's three Hits.
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