East Central Takes Two From ltawamba
A sweep of Holmes Community College successfully concluc!.ed tournament action for East Central Community College's Warriors and Lady Warriors who hosted thetr annual invitational November 25-26 in the Brackeen– Wood Phystcal Education Building on the Decatur campus. The Warnors, led by Corey Hornsby's 20 pomts, held off the Bulldogs by a 76-73 margm and improved to 5-4 overall. The EC women, behmd Tamekta Foley's 19 points, posted a 68-60 win over the Lady Bulldogs and are 6-3. In addi– tion to J-IQrnsby, a p rodm;t of lstrouma lltgh School tn Baton Rouge. La., other LC scorers" ere DonzeII Cre'' nsha\\ of Rtdge\\ a) Htgh School tn Memphts. Tenn.. 15; Desmond Jones ofNeshoba Central,· 12; Brandon Mason ofNorth Dale High School 111 Baton Rouge, nine; Jamaal Martin of Northeast Lauderdale. six; and Kevin Bobbitt of Lake, one. Holmes led 34-32 at the break. Also scoring for the Lady Warnors bestdes Foley, who hails from Newton County High School, were Rita Birden of St. Fredrick High School in Monroe, La., 17; Kimyatta Viverette of Lake, 14; Bntney Burks of Scott Central, etght; Ebone'e Leverette of Forest, four; Monique 0\ erstreet of South Leake, three; Elyse Willis of Neshoba Central, two; and Lenore
EC led 38-26 at halftime. Teams from Jones County and ltawamba also participated in the two-day event. EC's men defeated Itawamba 82-68 and the 1_ ady Warriors crUised to a 61-50 decision over the Itawamba women tn first– round actiOn. The Warriors and Lady Warriors conclude 2002 compettuon by hostmg Pearl River Communtt} College on Thursday. December 5 . Game times are 6 p.m. for the women's contest with men's action scheduled at S p.m. sweep ~f Ita\ am a Commumty College ~1onday ntght marked a su.:cessful begummg for East Cenual Comrnuntty College basketball team<; "ho are hosting a two-day tournament at the Brackeen-Wood Phystcal Education Building on the Decatut campus Billy Smtth's Wamors rolled to an 82-68 wm over the Itawamba men, avenging an earhcr 71-61 setback to the Indians, who are coached by former ECCC head mentor Marty Cooper. Corey Homsby, a product of Istrouma High School in Baton Rouge, La., led EC ~' ith 26 pomts as the Warriors evened thetr record at 4-4. Also scoring were Jamaal Martin of Northeast Lauderdale, 13; Brandon Mason of. orth Dale Iltgh School in Baton Rouge, 10: Desmond Jones of 1 esboba Central and Demario Qualls of NewtQn, nine each; Donze) Crenshaw "of
Ridgeway High School in.•Memphis. Tenn., six; Dewayne Hughes of Sebastopol, five; and Kevin Bobbitt of Lake and Reggie Carter of Umversity Christian, two each. O'Brian Lowe of Nettleton had 17 points for ltawamba, which fell to 5-2. East Central led 39-30 at halftime. In women's actton. Coach Brad Hodge and his Lady \Varnors tmpro\·ed to 5-3 after posting a 61- 50 decJston o\·er ltawamba. The EC women also dropped an earher den– sion to lta\\amba b~ a 53-49 tall) . corers for EG \'ere L~nore-Gray-u Ne'' ton. 20: Rita Birden of St I redrick High School in :\1onr<.~ l a. 10: Klm}atta Vi\erene of Lake. eight; Tamekta fole) of '\e\\1011 County. si>.: Monique Overstreet of South Leake, five; Elyse Willis of Neshoba Central, four: and Britne) Burks of Scott Central, Miranda Rosar of Neshoba Central, and Ebone' c Leverette and Patsy McKee, both of Forest. two each. Shera Edwards of Tupelo Jed the Lady Indians (5-2) with 11 points. EC held a commanding 32- 19 lead at the break. In games scheduled toda) (Tuesda) ), Jones and Itav.amba women meet at 2:00, Jones and ltawamba men play at 4:00, EC and Holmes women tangle at 6:00. and EC and Holmes men battle at 8;00.
APPEAF Gray of Newton, one.
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