East Central Teams Begin Division Play By SweepingPearl River CC
tallied I~ apiece c.......... ,o made key three-pomtm late m lhe conte'>t to gne EC the lead for good. Olher point makers were Brandon ~1a:.on of :\onh Dale High School in Baton Rouge. I 0: Desmond Jone:. o f Ne,hoba Central, etgbt: Stephen Dyes and Jamaal ~fartin, both of Northeast Lauderdale, f Cliristm:Js came a l nle early for Eait Central Commuruty Col ege head basl;etball co cbes Billy mith and Brad Hodge. \\hose \\amors and lady Warriors posted unpresstve d~ISJon over h1ghly regard. d Pe:trl Rtver Commumty College squad:. Thursday ntght at the Brackeen- Wood Physical Educauon Bu1ldmg m Decatur. The Wamors who trailed hy I 0 pomts early 10 ftr!>l half action, rallied– for an 81-77 victory behind Corey Hornsby's 25 points to win their fourth- tra1ght contest. Hornsby, a product of lstrouma High School m Baton Rouge, La., also nailed two free– throws With 4.3 seconds to seal the win for the Warriors, who tmproved to 6-4 overall and 1-0 in the South Div1sion. Also plnying key roles in the EC win were Demario Qunlls of Ne\\10n and Donze! Crenshaw of Ridgeway High Scl>ool in Memphis, Tenn., who 3 overall and l-0 in league competi– uon. Other scorers for EC were Rita Birden of St. Federick High School in Monroe, La., 15; Tamekia Foley of Ne\\10n County, 14; Ebone'e'Leverette of Forest, six; Monique Overstreet of South Leake, five; and Kimyatta Viverette of Lake, Birtney Burks of Scott Central and Miranda Rosar of Neshoba Central, three each. Audosba Kelley of Alfred Ely Beach High School to Savannah, Ga , and Stephanie Gonzales of :-..fcKinney Htgh ~cbool to Hatnesbnrg. had 12 potnt' each to lead Pearl River. which rell to :-..J. EC led 36-30 :u the break. The \\'amors and Lady Warriors resume competition followmg the Chr1stmas hollda)S by bosung Mississ1pp1 Delta Community College on Tuesday, January ~.
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