WEEKOF ~be~L~~~---------- ~'' Central was still down by
EC wraps up fi rst half of season with sweep Warriors overcome 10-point deficit to earn division win From wmbinul repon:, DECATUR - East Cenrral Community College Mapped up its first ~eme~tcr of basketball action '"'ith a South Di\ ision '"'eep of vis– iting Pearl Ri\cr here last Thur da} night at ECCC\ Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building. The \Varriors overcame a dou– ble-digit deficit to knock off the Wildcats 81-77, while the Lady Warriors took a 65-56 victory. East Central\ men are now 6-4 o"erall and 1-0 m the division , "'hilc the EC ladies are 7-3 and 1-0. \/either team will see action again until after the Christmas break, when they both take on Mississippi Delta in non-division action on Jan. 7. ln last wed..\ men's game, East Centr.tl rell behind 14-4 right off the bat before Pearl River cooled oil "The} came out and didn't
double digih late m the first half before reeling off 17 unanswered p In theY. omen\ game. £.Lq Cen– t~al put together a late rail} in the hN halt to take a 36-30 lead at the break.then the Lad) Warriors over– came a "coreless stretch of more than 6 minute-, in the second half. Three baskets by Rjra Birden ~parked a I2-2 run that put ECCC m control late in the contest. East Central head coach Brad Hodge called the victory "ugly" but glad!} took it. "It\ a '"in again~r a really good team and that\ the way you want to ~tart the dh is10n and close out Chnstmas." Hodge said. "Pearl River b ver; athletic." The Lad\ Wildcats got 12 points apiece from Audosha Kelley and Stephanie Gon.tales . EC. meanwhile, got I5 points from Birden and 14 apiece from Lenore Gra, and Tamekia Foley. ~1randa R~l~ar ol N~hoba chipped 1ll three pomts . UPCOMING EAST CENTRAL SCHEDULE Jan. 7 host Miss. Delta Jan. 9 at Hinds Jan. 13 host Southwest Jan. 16 at Meridian APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES__________ UNION APPEAL-------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_____________ ·~ 1:.\:)nVCI"\ .., ........ .Jv I ~ r4x:....,.______ NEWTON RECORD ----------- MERIDIAN STAR ------------ CLARION-LEDGER______ _
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