wEEK OF ~ov Z6
ECCC takes two wins over EMCC in hoops action on a three-point play by Starr SCOOBA - East Central Potts, but it was not enough Comm.un.it>: Cc;>llege swept as the Lady Warriors held on East MlSSlSSlppl Community for the 67-61 win. here on Thursday night in a "I was very frustrated in pair of close basketball the second half," said EMCC games. coach Dale Peay. "We were The Lady Warriors came up 41-36 and then gol away with a very dose 67-61 outscored 20-6 and that's the victory while the Warriors difference in the ballgame " used late pressure to come Birden finished the game away with a 70-58 win over with 15 points for East Cen– the Lions. tral while Tamekia Foley and In the women's game, the Viverette added in 13. Lady Warriors took control Thomas led EMCC with 14 of the game late in the while Barr hit for 13. second half to go to the vic- East Central men 70 tory and improve to 4-3 on East Mississippi ::g The Lions came on strong really good ballclub," said in the second half, but Ea"t ECCC head coach Brad Central turned up the defen– Hodge. "They are very ath- sive intensity to take a 70-5 letic and they got after us. wm. We missed a lot of shots and "Y\ e had a lead and thev kind of hung our heads and went to a zone and that struggled for the better part threw us off for a while of three-quarters of the said East Central coach Bilh game. Then we made some Smith. 'We turned up the changes and got some easy defensive intensttv a little bit. baskets and got some flow We got a few steais and got a going. We got some stops on fev ..• key turno\·ers that ,, e their end and that reallv scored points off of "0 that helped." gave u a little b1t The Lady Lions jump~d momentum. Thev had u~ on out to a lead in the first half. the rope... rhere for a htt e EMCC stretched a lead out while. \'e pla}eci JU't hard to seven points with a 9-: enou~h to come back and run to make the score 19-12 "in." with 8:21left in the halt.~~~ APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES_______ UNION APPEAL ------------------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ---------- SPIRIT OF MORTON___ _____ By Ryan Satcher the lead down to four points staff writer the season. " "Coach (Dale) Peay has a
East Central controlled most of the first half and held a six-point lead for the majority of the time. The Li~ns clo~ed the gap to three pomts wtth 3:06 left in the half, but East Centtal responded with a run to take a 37-281ead at half. East Mississippi made a strong run in the second half to take a lead. The Lions outscored the Warriors 18-8 in the early part of the half, but caught East Central too quickly. The yYarrior~ turned up the heat rn the fmal minutes and went on a 15-5 run to stretch the lead back out to nine points. The Lions were unable to come back again and East Central held on to the 70-58 win. "Their man press at the end just killed us," said EMCC coach Clay Arm– strong. ''We couldn't do an"- thing. II J
The Lady Warriors came back. to. tie the game with thr~e mmutes remaining in the first frame. ECCC held the lead until the final minute of the half. With 30 -.~conds left, however, Kat– nna Barr hit a three-pointer to g1ve the Lady Lions the 30-29 lead at half. The Lady Lions were able to stretch the lead out to six pomb after another three by Barr with 13:27 left in the '.!arne, but from there it was all Ea~t Central. The Lady \\a;nors went on a 8-0 run to take the lead and then went a 13-... run down led by Burden down the stretch ex end the lead. Burden
pomt, in the run ~atta \ iverette
CARTHAGINIAN -------------------- NESHOBADEMOC~T ____________ NEWTON RECORD_PJ MERIDIAN STAR -r"----- CLARION-LEDGER -------------------
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