WEEK OF }Jov ~ J ' ECCC Teams Fall At ltawamba wt centra~ Coamumty
Central, two each; and Monique Academy. CoUege dropped a pm ofbesketWII games m noodivmoo toq)Cbtioa 11 hav.ambl Commwuty CoiJeae M t m Fulton. The \l.miors feU 71 -61 to the bost ES and uv.. their record d to l-1 on the ) oung season, v.hlle ~ lu!.r Wamors were cbpped 5 •_ cd remam v.inless in 1be nondivision match-up was deadlocked at 75-75 at the end of regulation. EC led 35-31 at the break. EC's Lady Warriors were not as fortunate in their ftrst contest of the 2002-03 campaign, as they fell 82-79 to the Delta women. Freshman Lenore Gray of Newton led EC with 14 points. Also scoring were Ebone'e Leverette of Forest and Rita Birden of St. Fredrick High School in Monroe, La., 13 each; Kimyatta Viverette, 11, of Lake; Tamekia Foley, nine, of Newton County; Monique Overstreet of South Leake and Britney Burks of Scott Central, seven each; Patsy McKee, three, of Forest; and Melinda Ben, two, of Choctaw Central. week, EC teams travel to Itawamba on Monday, November 4, and enter– tam Shelton State (Ala.) Thursday 6 3lld 8 p.m.) and East Mississippi oo Saturday (1 and 3 p.m.) at the Brac'-een-Wood Physical Edxaoon Bwlding. The Warriors od L!d:. Wamor will be guests of Po~< Cor::ununity College on r ~~ ~c.ember I I. EC led 45-42 at halftime. ln games scheduled this EC led 31·30 at tbe brQk. East Central teams will host Shelton 'Ala.) State Thunday, with women's action 11 6 p.m. and the men's game al 8 p.m. East Mississippi squads come to Decatur on Saturday for a I p.m. women's malch-up and a 3 p.m. coolest fea– turing the men's squads. Both EC teams ttavel to Holmes on Monday, November 11. Sophomore forward Corey Hornsby blistered the backboards for 40 points and led East Central Community College to a season– ~ 85-82 overtime thriller over Mnmnppt Delta Community !e fl'idl): mght in Moorhead. .. lddition to Hornsby, a ,;r;wx.:t e! ~ HJgh School in £CCC Wanion Clip Delta ln OT; Lady Warrlon Fall _. u . other EC point • • no Q..:a!U 14, of 12 of Blto.n c.: • ~ c M~ r c:c...; i.egX Cr:– r-. o( l!~~ ClrisO:a; Bataa. ..... ., Lake; - ~ two. ol Nonll Ddra APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT________ UNION APPEAL-------- NEWTON RECORD____________ CARTHAGINIAN________ MERIDIAN STAR.________ CLARION-LEDGER________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.___ SPIRIT OF MORTON----+'f~-----
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