wEEK oF ~No~vL-....1._ / f_ ___
7 Warriors ton State East Central defeated Shelton ~~ te 82-80 in overtime on O'>mtber 7 ut Decatur Both EC squ travel to E-ast Mtsstsstppi Commumty
ns at Schoolm l\lonr La 19 Tam kta Fole) of Newton Count), 13 Britne) Burks of Scott Central, nine: and Kimyatta \ t\ ereJtc of Lake. stx. 111e 'Lad) Uuc.canecrs I d 26-24 at halflime. )
College m Scooba m nondJVISion nctton C!_n Thursday. November 21. 2- 5 v. m tn overtime ______..;__ _ ...__...._....__ __,__-'-_...___ ~----- ht m Tuscaloosa. EC. \\htch held a sltm 38- 36 I d t the break, fell to 2-4 over– all Sophomore Core}
Hom b), n product of Isuouma Ha h chool in Baton Rouge, La.. led the Wan iors '' tth 22 points. Other scorers were Demario Qualls of e\\ ton, 17; B ·andon Mason of North Dale lligh School in Baton Rouge, I~; Jamaal Martin of Northeast Lauderdale. nme: and Donzcll Crenshaw of Ridgeway Htgh School m Memphis, Tenn., etght each. Stephen Dyess of • Northeast Lauderdale, six; AI Willi$ of Newton County, three; and Reggte Carter of Umversity Chnstian, Dewayne Hughes of Seb.lStopol and Desmond Jon~ ofNcshoba Central, two each. Inc nondivision matchup was tted 75-75 at the end of regula- taon In women's action, the Lady \\'amors were hopmg for a eason sweep over thetr Tuscaloosa opponent but such was not the case EC was outscored 60-51 and saw retord dtp to '-3 on the }Oung
op ~ orcrs for EC were Btrden of St. Fredrick Htgh
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E ~ESSENGER ______________ COUNTY TIMES________ ... • 0 \ ~pEAL --------:-------– • S 0 COUNTY J 5 = =: - Of •, ORTO SSOI
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