EC hoops teams even marks at 2-2 Both thL \\arriorc; and lady Warriors of t Central Community College evened etr ba kctball records at 2-2 last week. The C women went 2-1, while the men were 1-2. • ltawamba women 53, EC 49: Freshman enore Gray of Newton led the Lady \\arriors with 16 points in the Nov. 4 loss at Fulton. Also scoring were Rita Birden with nuw, famekia Foley with seven, and K1myatt • Itawamba men 71, EC 61: Corey Hornsby, a sophomore from Baton Rouge, La., led EC with 20 points. Other top scorers were Demario Qualls and Desmond jones with 11 each. It<~wamba led 34-23 at halftime. • EC women 82, Shelton State 80: The Lady Warrior::. got their first win of the sea– son Thursday at Decatur by beating the 2002 Region 22 Division ll champions. EC led 35-31 at halftime. The Lady Warriors got 18 points from Lenore Gray, 15 apiece from Kimyatta Viverette and Ebone'e Leverette, 13 from Rita Birden, nine from Britney Burks, and eight The Lady Warriors got 16 points from Lenore Gray, nine from Kimyatta Viverette, eight each from Britney Burks and Tamekia Foley, and six each from Miranda Rosar and Rita Birden. Cedra Glover led EMCC, 1-2, with 15. • EC men 70, East Mississippi 58: Donie! Crenshaw led the Warriors with 13 points. Desmond Jones scored nine, Reggie Carter had eight, and Jamaal Martin added seven. Marcus Houston led EMCC, 0-3, with 11. APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES_______ UNION APPEAL ~ WINSTON COU N_.:lV~J-O_U_R_N_A_L _______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ CARTHAGINIAN_______ ___ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT____ _ NEWTON RECORD____ _____ MERIDIAN STAR_ ___________ CLARION-LEDGER_ _ ____
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