EEK OF , r East Central women w--..i-n_J~ two games; men split pair
had nine, while Burk~ and FolE~) both -.cored eight. Of ECCC's top six Sl:Orers, all but FolC); are freshmen. "Hopehtlly these freshmen will keep their heads up and keep working hard e\ er ' and good things will happen to tl ~~ ·, Hodge said. · Cedra Glover led EMCC with 15 pomts Katrina Barr tossed in eight. 58 The Warriors ...cored the first six point~ and held EMCC scorclc~s for a little ovet three minutes to start the men'c; contest ECCC led 36-~9 at halftime nft.er being up 29· 19 on a 3-pomter bv Demano Qualls with 6:33 to go in the first half. The Lions rallied to within 38-33, but AI Willis hit a pair of 3-pointers over a 52- second span to give ECCC a 44-36 lead. "Our second and third bunch came in an did a real good job for u..,," ECCC head c ach Bill Smith said. "We were trying to rest our first team for Monday nh~ht (at Holme We'll have played five game" in eight d so we're trying to play a" many people a"\ can. "We did a lot better JOb m the second h If of running our olfen..,e \\c had wa) o many tUrnovers in the fm;t nalf;DU1 any you gel a win it's nice. "Al hit two big ..,hots and Dew,l) ne Hughc.., hit three 3~ c1nd that put them out of reach and we were able to hang on at the end." After leadmg by as many a~ 12 \\hen a ba.sket b) Hughe~ gave ECCC a 48-36 t dd wtth 11:0-l remaming, the Warrior~ \\ere 11- of-16 at the free-throw line over the final eight minutes, while EMCC was a cold 1-of- 6. Donze! Crenshaw led ECCC with 13 points. Desmond Joncc; ..,cored nine and Reggie Carter had eight. Corey Hornsby, who came m a\ era m 32.7 points, was held to three after bem saddled with four fir!'t half foub. "We had a mess up on the fouls, Sm said. "We had him with three and the) h h1m with four. Maybe that did us some g We got to make sure some other gm·.., c score too mstead of relying just on Cor EMCC got 11 points from Jvtarcus H and nine from Anthony Johnson . ECCC women 82 ,.Shelton 80(0T) ECCC men 70 EMCC
8) \tart) Stamper E\1G Sports Assistant
~ast Centra.! ~?mmunity College took a pau of non-diVISIOn basketball wins from E,1st Mississippi Community College Sat– urday afternoon. The Warriors and Lady Warriors both improved to 2-2. EMCC's Lady Lions fell to l 2, while the Lions dropped to 0-3.. Scoring droughts hurt both teams in the wo~en's contest, but the Lady Warriors got theiT game back on track in time to take the nine-point win ECCC carried a slim 27-26 lead into half– time behind nine points from Lenore Gray and six from Miranda Rosar and led 37-30 with 14:58 remaining after a 3-pointer by Kimyatta Viverette. The Lady Warriors then went scoreless for the next four minutes and 27 seconds as EMCC used a 10-0 run to go up.40-37 on a layup by Darnika Washington with 11:50 left. The Lady Lions made only 1-of-4 free throws over the next three minutes as ECCC stayed within striking range.at 41-39. EMCC then went four minutes and 40 seconds without an 'eoints. An 8-0 run highlighted by a three-point pl~~ by Tamekia Foley, a layup by Elyse Wilhs off a stet~l and outlet pass by\ h·erette, and a putback bao;ket by Vi\·erette ga\ e ECCC a 4 -Jllead with 4:36 "hawing. "It wac; a game of streaks," ECCC head coach Brad Hodge said. "We were ,·en cold in the first half and had a lot of shot!> rim out. They jumped right back in it with that 10-0 run." EMCC got to \\ithin five with 1:44 left when Candace Spires hit a 3-pointer, but a 5- of-6 showing at the free-throw line bv Rita Birden and Britney Burks put ECCC up 63-51 and scaled the Lady Warriors' second straight win. . ".That's two games in three days and you JUSt have to do whatever you can to find a way to win," Hodge said. "It's not pretty, but we'll take it, especially with this group that we've got. You can see some confidence growing in some of them. Miranda Rosar came off the be~ch and did a great job. Lenore Grar obv10usly did a fantastic job. Kqnyatta VIverette gave us a boost in the second half after she was absent in the first half. We're starting to get some people to gain some confidence." Gray led ECCC with 16 points. Viverette ECCC women 63 EMCC 54
After a couple of close road los" East Central Community College Lad
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