"'r WEEKOF {~ __ v_~? ________
ECCCTakes Two From Itawamba East Central Warriors and L.aOy Warnors lead by area natives are off to great starts respectively \ ,,eep of lta\\.unba Cummumty College ~lond.1y night rna; ed a ~lason of North Dale High School in B.1ron Rouge, 10; Desmond Jones of :::-; eshoba Central and Demario
of Newton, 20; Rita Birden of St, Fredrick High School in Monroe, La , 10; Kimyatta Viverette of Lake, eight; Tamekia Foley ofNewton County, six; Monique Overstreet of South Leake, five; Elyse Willis of Nesboba Ct\ntral, four; and Britney Burks of Scott Central, Miranda Rosar of Neshob~ Central, and Ebone'e Leverette and I Patsy McKee, both of Forest, two each. Shcra Edwards ofTupelo Jed the Lady Indians (5-2) with II points. J EC held a commanding 32-19 lea~ at the break. I In games scheduled toda>1 (Tuesday), Jones and Itawamba women meet at 2:00, Jones and ltawamba men play at 4:00, EC and Holmes women tangle at 6:00. and EC and Holmes men battle at 8:00.
C'e'S ful beginning for Ea t Central Commurut)o College basl;etball tezm:> who are ho-nng a rwo-da) t -:2men; at the Brackeen-\\ood Ph~ ~ Ed cauon Bu1ldmg on lhe ~tur ca.mpu., Btl!) mnh's \\amors ro ~ to an \\1D 0\ er the ltr;o"ll!!lb:& men. a~ mg an earl er - -61 setbad : to the Ind ans '1\bo e b~ to r- mer ECCC nd M3fl) Coo r
Qualls of Newton, nine each; Donze! Crenshaw of Ridgeway High School in Memphis, Tenn., six; Dewayne Hughes of Sebastopol, five; and Kevin Bobbitt of Lake and Reggie Carter of University Christian, two eacb.O'Brian Lowe of Nettleton bad 17 points for ltawamba, which fell to 5-2. East Central led 39-30 at halftime. In women's action, Coach Brad Hodge and his Lady Warriors unpro\·ed to 5-3 after posting a 6 1-50 decis1on over ltawamba.
The EC women also dropped an ~L-litt dt~:.IOll to Itawamba by a 53- ~ laity -~~~---_:_._-'- _____ sc_ar_cr_s~for EC were Leaore Gray
whose major is automotive mechanics technology, works 36 hours a week at Culpepper Sales and Servtce tn Forest. He is shown checking engine controls und~r the watchful eyes of Har y \1
J0f11 Page e"i) o' Carthage, a sophomo·e a· East Central Communrt, Co ege in Decatur, is among oartJC oants in the
APPEARED IN: College1s worx-Based Learning LAKE MESSENGI Program, w-'dl provides vocation- S COTT COUNTY . al-techniCal students the oppo~ nity to gam valuable work expen- UNION APPEAL ence while pursuing degrees in WINSTON COUN: their chosen fields ot study. Page, SPIRIT OF MORTON_______
Culpepper (ce~ter), compar Y ~ 0 -C-RA--T------ owner, and Jeff Httt, who serves 1s the College's Work-BasE'd )RD_________ Learning Coordtnator R ----------------------- CLARION-LEDGER________
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