I LOCAL SPORTS Osley steps up for ECCC By Marty Stamper I EMG soor.s ass srant Oct. 18, 2002
DECATUR- Travares Os e. as Ute scoring hero for the East Central Community Co ese a-:o~ n last week's 6-3 triple– overtime upset of No 2 vCY'es as ~e C"ed t\•,o field goals.
Not bad for a linebac :::! s· .s eren ~ supposeo to In addition to the two '"e c ;oa.s Os: a ~-:x~-· . 22:-acw"iO sophomore, more tnan ca-e:- s s-.a·: ::·-: lea:: -- s "'orma position of outside I nebac· ;:• as -: ·:cc..-::~ : ::c-:a--~ 'S"' 23 tackles to go with three ass sts a-~ : :;a_?-:: :c_ -.:: e It was definitely a n1ghi ~o ·em:-.::-:· "Travares played the bes; ;a:na ~a J • _ : : :· ::.=e- assooa~ed with as a head coach or a" asstS~-· "' =- :£ -:a: ::oa:::r - ef') Underwoodsaid."He sorec··-e:~·"x-...:.~ :.e. e-s ee.e· coached and that is the bes· ~:: of a player. "As we sat there and gradea ;;-: :- Osley came to ECCC desp ;epa -; x a senior year at Hueytown, Ala "He was one of the best playe-s e :- se Underwood said . "He played QLar.e~:· a· a :...- s.::.-::d a-: -.:·en– for 1,000 yards. He returned evel) · c· a-~=--· -: · :· :c : e-:, kickoff and every punt, and he pla,eo .... · e 15 tackles a game. "A lot of people just didn't know aoo...;- ...... another kid (from Tuscaloosa Centra ) .•. -:- • e SCI• - or ::,..., "Travares is a great player and he p a 1 s ..-: sc:-: ~a-e e.e-1 game He's going to perform. He's one of me eac -; ~c.· e:-s "' me state and he'll be one of the leading tac ers " ._.,e s~~e - e s Ule kind of kid that plays the game the \'.a> ~ s-.ock:: ::;e pla 1 ed: Prior to the Jones game, Osley •,as ra" ··eo second 1n the state in solo tackles with 48. He now has 71 so~s and 17 assists. "He's had some ups and downs n h s c .ng, but he doesn 't let it bother him," Underwood said. ·He san extremely confident young man. All during the overtimes, he said, 'Coach, I've got it. It's in the bag.' That's the kind of attitude and the kind of guy you want to have in that kind of situation. A lot of people would be scared to take it on, but he's not that kind of guy." ~~11'(11 Uf" IYIVf'\ I VI-._ __________ CARTHAGINIAN._______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_________ NE~ONRECO~D _ ___________ MERIDIAN STAR. ....~ 'KJ~-------- CLARION-LEDGER.___________
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