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Lady Warriors Set to Begin B-ball Season, CountyResidentsAf11(Jng players on team Brad Hodge, who is in his second
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Choctaw Central.
from Kimyatta Viverette, a 6-foot guard/forward from Lake, Pbone'c Leverette, a 6-foot for– ward from Forest; Lenore Gray, a 6-l forward from Newton; Monique Overstreet, a 5- I I guard/forward from South Leake, Rita Birden, a 5-10 guard from St Fredrick High School in Monroe, La., Hope Murray, a 5-10 guard/forward from West Jones; and Andrea Chesney, a 6-footforward from Newton County Academy. Hodge said he does not anticipate Scott Central;
season as Lady Warrior head coach, has tJuee returnees from last year's team, whtch advanced to the state and regwnal tournaments en route to a 14- 1 I re~ord lamekia I oley, a 5-10 guard lfor– ward from Newton County, is the lead– ing returning scorer with about six pomts per contest. Other returnees "are Patsy .McKee, a 5-10 guard from forest, and Melmda Ben, a 5- I0 guard/forward from
the Lady Warnon; to have a fast start. I do not expect us to get out of the
Hodge sa1d _!le is approaching the upcoming season with. cauttous opti– mism, as the team's success will depend greatly on his freshmen, which he describes as being a very talented group with a lot of athleticism. First-year players are Adrian Washington, a 5-11 forward from Carrollton, Ala.: Miranda Roser, a 5- II forward from Neshoba Central; Marquita Anderson. a 5-5 guard and Britney Burks. a 5-9 guard, both
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gates early.
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We will probably experience some bumps along the way and will no doubt have some htghs and lows in the early going. The most important thing ~ l- is to get this team ready for division • • ~ ~ _J :::> 0:: play, Hodge satd. Z W z <( 0 0 Betsy Harris, a fonner standout at - CJ) ::::> W U ~ the University of Alabama and ·:l CJ) 0 & LL. Decatur High School, begins her first ~ W U <( ~ O year as Hodge's assistant. -, z >- 0 0:: i= W
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