Page 16, Lake Messenger, March 6, 2002 . ger this year, and we ex- li s t is f reshman J a ke pect great things from him Nester, a freshman short– this spring." Yarborough stop/second baseman from said. Lake. .
Central ; pitcher Ja son Wooten, second baseman Jacob Massey and short– stop/second baseman Jake Nester, all ofLake; second baseman/outfielder Daniel Russell , Newton County Acad e my; outfie lder Lewis Bradford, Scott Central ; third baseman/ second baseman Jos h Chaney, a nd pitchers Corey Am is and Michael Holifield, .all of Newton County; pitc her/second baseman Corey Blackwell, Nanih Waiya; pitcher/outfielder Brian Spillers, Mangham (La.) High Sc hool; catcher Mike Kulbeth, Westminister (La.) Acad– emy; pitc her Alex Shepard , Sebastopol; out– fie lder/ pitcher Jarrod Vaughn and first basem~n/ outfielder Tyler Rogers, both of Louisville; out– fie lder Paul Brown, For– est ; infielder Jamie E ll ington, Kosc iusko; third baseman/pitcher Jus– tin Darby, Union ; out– fi e lder/pitcher William Mars and first baseman/ ca tche r T y Cu lpepper, both of Philade lphia ;
pitcher/outfielder/ first baseman Chad Lope r , Cha tom, A la.; pitcher Chris Comans, Newton; pitcher Nick Singleton, Robert E. Lee (Ala.) High Aaron ( 11 J,~, Sc hool; fi rst baseman/ 1\rk. Scott County J)ianBn
111 c Bri an C larkda le,
"Jake was our leading hit– ter in the fall , posting a .419 batting average with two doubles and one home run. Other top hitters were Jarrod Vaughn of Louis– ville, Joey Holcomb of Lo– cust Fork High School in Alabama, Justin Darby of Union and Chad Loper of Chatom, Alabama ," he said. Serving as Yarborough 's assistant is Patrick Robey, a former coach and player at De lta State University. "Patnck has done an out– standing job fo r us. His primari ly responsibility is wu1 k•n g wi th in fielders hut he also helps in other areas. lie knows what it takes to wm, having been ,, J)a• t of wmn •ng program at I >SU," Ya1borough said. The complete 2002 roster includes t he fo ll owing: shortstop/out fielder Dec l lomesburger and catcher Wi II Baski n , bo th of Noxapater; o ut fielder Tommy Fieber, Neshoba
Chris Comans o f Newton will also be a vital part o f th e pit c hing rot a t io n. Coman s posted a 4 .34 ERA. and his opponents' batt ing average was .265. He was 2-2 overa ll and had one save. ''Chris worked hard this fa ll and we are counting on him to have a success– ful season on the mound ," Yarborough said . Corey Blackwell ofNanih Waiya wi ll also be a key ingredient 111 the p1td11ng mix. "Corey's ERA last year was 4.62 and he lulllted opposing hitters to a 197 batting average . ll1 s record was 0- 1 bu t hi s three saves led the tcnm Corey has good cont1o l and keeps the ball down," Yarborough said. Yarborough also antiCI– pates a producti ve offen– s i ve pe r for 111 a nce, a nd mentioned severa l players who were effective 10 fall practice. 1\ t the top of the
\~' arriors
DECATUR--These s tudent uthii'! Cii li!ll ti East Central Communi ty Col l q.·~ It II!C ifn li I from left are short stop/second h11 •' iiHiil Jult Brown of Forest and second hu• 1111111 J (lbllll left are pitcher Jason WooiL'II of l ., al. ~, i!ll firs t baseman/ pitcher Adam 1\h;.Cuni Bradford o f Scott Central. lilt I •i ·•iiHHt!l coach Jake Yarborough . ( I·(' Jlfu ,l u l
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