WEEK OF ---=3=---_1 3 _ J._a_O_(_' ____
sign technology instructor; (fourth row, from left) Fredrick Lyoru carpentry and cabinet making instructor; Conrad Ge~any, colli ion repair technology instructor; John Eve.rett, electnca~ techno) og} instructor; and Jim Blackburn, electroruc technology mstructo1 and (top ro~, from left) James E. Sardin, ~ssociate st~te sup.erill tendent, Office of Vocational and Technical Education, Mtssu sippi Department of Education; John Adcock, district director vocational-technical instruction; and Jimmy Dempsey, vo-tec counselor. Nor pictured are Elizab eth Breland, Ann Bullock an Chri:.ty Ferguson, business technology instructors; Brenda Jo~ computer technology instructor; Janice Jacobs, surgical technolo_ instructor; May Ann Wright, child development technology 111 structor: Thomas Fortenberry, computer network support techno ogy ins;ructor; Roger Whitlock, work-based learning coordinato Corrine Hayes, science and technology instructor; and Maudea Sanders assistant district d irector of vocational-technical ir I • struction. For information regarding vocational-techrucal co~ call toll free, 1-877-462-3222, ext. 214.
ECCC VO-TECH STAFF RECOGNIZED - Special recognition is being made of the vocational-technical staff at East Central Community College in Decatur in ob servance of Career and Techni– cal Education this month. The theme of this year's celebration is "2000: A Career Odyssey." Above are (first row, from left), Ricky Harrison, drafting and design technology instructor; Gerald Jor– dan, welding instructor; AI Bailey, d irector of vocational indi- vidualized developmental system (VIDS); rosemary Adcock, spe– cial populations instructor (mathematics); and Stella Dickerson, computer technology instructor; (second row, from left) Dale McNair, automotive technology instructor; Wanda Brackeen, cos– metology instructor; and Katherine Buckman, licensed practical nwsing instructor; (third row, from left) James Clark, electronics technology instructor; Lester Miles, heating and air conditioning technology instructor; Sandra Thomas, licensed practical musing instructor; Sandra Amis, coordinator of tech prep education; Mary Boulton, gerontology instructor; and Polly Mayes, drafting and de- Nt:VV I UN IVII:.~~I:.Nur:.f"\
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