New scholarship Joe Renaud (left) recently presented a check to ECCC president Dr. Eddie M. Smith to est~blish the Shirley Sanders Renaud Scholarship at the College. Renaud Scholarship established at ECCC A scholarship honoring the
ot·s. She served as a teacher in public and private schools and ended her career as a librarian with Leake County Schools. Her husband, Joe Renaud, serves as personal development specialist m the East Central Workforce Development Center. Their children, Tara Lynn and Joseph "Joff' Renaud III are both graduates of East Central Community College and USM. Recipients of the Renaud Memorial Scholar~hip must have excelled both athletically and academically. Other criteria include the following: 1l Must have a mini– mum overall grade point aver– age of3.5 (B+) on a 4.0 scale; 2) PartiCip te m varsity
memory of Shirley Sanders Renaud was recently estab– lished at East Central Community College in Decattu·. "- 1963 rrraduate of East Central, Mrs. Renaud was an outstanding student, athlete nnd educator. A native of Greenwood \vho lived most of her life in Carthage, Mrs Renaud died in November, 1999, at ·-tge 56 after a long bout with cancer. Mrs. Renaud was a gradu– nte of Cartha~e High School where she ~;tarred in basketball from 1957 to 1961. During her senior year, she a\ eraged 35 pomts per game and once 53 point& in t" o quar– ;
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