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ECCC scholarships available for 2000-2001 term App canons continue to be ~ ~- r various scholarships man in the fall 2000 semester; 3l Have earned a minimum of 1
of 3.0 on all previous college credit course work or a "B'' aver– age on all pre,'ious high school course work: and 2' ~lust have demonstrated a high level of par– ticipation in e:J-.."tracurricular activities andtor community involvement. The following two scholar– ships are available to nontradi– tional students only. The Roscoe C. Pugh :Memorial Scholarship is available for incoming students who will enroll full-time in a technical or academic curriculum. To be eligi– ble for the scholarship the stu– dent must: 1' Have earned all previous college credits at East Central Community College; 2) Be a first-time entering fresh-
semester hour:; cr dtt and more than 21 semester h credit before applymg fl 1 scholarship; and 41 Have a mu mum 3.0 grade point average Applicants fo, the DirectiOns Scholarship mu Be at least 21 year,., of age· 2 either marned 01 • " ent; and 3) Be out of school (I more than three year.;; h1g school, college or GED l. For more information con Dean Lee at East Cen Community College, P.O. Box 129, Decatw·, Miss. 39321. tele– phone 635-2111. ex1:. 375. or toll free 1-877-462-3222, ext. 375, or email at
ab e fur the 2000-2001 term Ea-t Central Community Coll~e m Decatur. Dean of Students Randall E. .Lee ,aid, ··Scholarship packets are a\·ailable from local high -dlool counselors or by contact– m~ the ECCC Dean of Students' Office. The deadline to apply for !ll! ::!:holarships is March 22. :be following scholarships are a\·ailable to traditional and nonrradinonal students. The Paul V. and Voncile H. Breazeale Ministerial s~holarship is awarded to mcoming, full-rime freshman -rodents who demonstrate financral need and who enroll in a C't.l.rr.culum which prepares the - uden~ for a m1rustry in full– tune Christian :::en'lce_ To be elt– gtole for the scholarslup the stu– den· must meet the follo>ving cri– tena: i Be a high school graduate a- \erified by a high school tran– -.cript: 2) Be a first-time, enter– ing freshman in the fall 2000 semester; 3) Demonstrate fin~n cial need on a current federal student financial aid form; and 4JProvide letters of recommen– dation from his/her high school principal, local pastor, and a per– sonal aquaintance. The Comans Scholarship is awarded to a student from the five-county East Central district. 'Th be eligible the student must: 1) Be a high school grad;uate; 2) Have at least a "C" or "C+" aver– age in high school (2.0-2.5 on a 4.0 scale); and 3) Have a finan– cial need_ Applicants for the La-Z-Boy South, Inc., Scholarship must
APPEAREC reside within the five-county dis– LAKE MES' trict~ with prefe~enc~ given to ' applicants who hve m Newton SCOTT COl County and who are La-Z-Boy UNION APF employ~es' children, dependents or relatiVes. WINSTON ( 'Th be eligible for the scholar- SPIRIT OF 1\ship the student must: 1) Have a 11 cumulative grade point average \lEWTON Mc:~~ENGER
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